Changes in 3.10.P1 (UE4.25.0)
Key Features
- Added support for Unreal Engine 4.25.
- Fixed an intermittent crash when a World Composition tile that contains foliage is saved in the editor.
- Fixed an intermittent assert "Attempted to set null SRV" in a level which contains Landscape Grass.
- Fixed a license check error in the Enlighten Precompute after Enlighten libraries are rebuilt from source.
- Fixed a crash when when a level contains corrupt foliage data. Note: corrupt foliage instances may have incorrect Enlighten indirect lighting.
Changes in 3.10.P1 (UE4.24.0)
Key Features
- The precompute commandlet now reports a warning if the level package was modified during the precompute and Enlighten data is stored in a separate asset.
Changes in 3.10.R (UE4.24.0)
Key Features
- Added support for Unreal Engine 4.24.
- Fixed a crash on updating albedo when material uses a SceneColor node
- Fixed hitching when editing Landscape Splines on Landscape Grass
Known issues
- This release does not include support for mobile platforms.
Changes in 3.10.R (UE4.23.0)
Key Features
Out-of-core precompute: faster unattended build for a massive world.
- To produce good results with real-world sunlight intensity values, Enlighten lightmaps now use a floating point pixel format for irradiance on D3D11, D3D12, PS4, Xbox One and Switch.
- New example levels in the Enlighten Samples project: DynamicAlbedo and DynamicEmissive. These levels show how to control and animate the Enlighten emissive and albedo colours using a blueprint.
- Reflections from Reflection Capture actors with Use Enlighten enabled now match more accurately the brightness of static reflections in a world with a bright sky.
- In a massive world, use Project Settings > Enlighten > Probe Atlas Size to increase the maximum number of probes allowed by Enlighten per pixel probe sampling. Larger values increase the runtime memory required.
- Landscape lightmap pixel size now matches more accurately the Output Pixel Size of the chosen Enlighten Quality. This may result in minor changes to the indirect lighting for Landscape in existing levels.
- Removed rarely used Enlighten Lightmap LOD option.