class Enlighten::MergeGeometry
This is the very basic geometry description we operate on.
It's function is to provide a basic wrapper around simple arrays which is will release/delete with itself. You can construct it how you like, but there's some utils to allocate/delete arrays for you. The data is create/freeable in two halfs, geometry related stuff and tri-group/param related stuff.
Note | ||
| ||
It intentionally doesn't handle "empty" geometry (no verts or indices or both). This case should be handled upstream. |
Name | Description |
Geo::s32 * m_IdxBuffer32 | Vertex indices. Length assume to be a multiple of 3. |
Geo::GeoFileString m_Name | Name of the geometry that was used to create this MergeGeometry. |
Geo::s32 m_NumIndices | Length of m_IdxBuffer32. |
Geo::s32 m_NumParams | Length of the m_TriGroupParams array. |
Geo::s32 m_NumVertices | Length of m_Vert* arrays. |
Geo::s32 * m_ParamIdxFromGroupIdx | Maps tri group indices to param indices. Length of num tri groups. |
MergeTriGroupParams * m_TriGroupParams | Array of params for specific tri groups. |
Geo::TriGroupSelection * m_TriGroupSelection | The tri groups for this geometry. |
Geo::GeoPoint2 * m_VertChartUVs | Vertex chart UVs (provided, not generated). Length of m_NumVertices. |
Geo::v128 * m_VertNormals | Vertex normals. Length of m_NumVertices. |
Geo::v128 * m_VertPositions | Vertex positions. Length of m_NumVertices. |
Anchor | ||||
public: ~MergeGeometry()
Free all resources.
Anchor | ||||
bool Enlighten::MergeGeometry::BuildMergeGeometryCache
public: bool BuildMergeGeometryCache()
Build cache data.
Anchor | ||||
Geo::GeoBoundingBox Enlighten::MergeGeometry::CacheGetBoxForGroup
public: Geo::GeoBoundingBox CacheGetBoxForGroup
Geo::s32 groupIdx
) const
Access the cache data.
Anchor | ||||
Geo::s32 Enlighten::MergeGeometry::CacheGetNumGroups
public: Geo::s32 CacheGetNumGroups() const
Access the cache data.
Anchor | ||||
Geo::s32 Enlighten::MergeGeometry::CacheGetNumUniqueVertsInGroup
public: Geo::s32 CacheGetNumUniqueVertsInGroup
Geo::s32 groupIdx
) const
Access the cache data.
Anchor | ||||
FitModel Enlighten::MergeGeometry::CacheGetOptimalModelForGroup
public: FitModel CacheGetOptimalModelForGroup
Geo::s32 groupIdx
) const
Access the cache data.
Anchor | ||||
Geo::v128 Enlighten::MergeGeometry::CacheGetPrincipleNormalForGroup
public: Geo::v128 CacheGetPrincipleNormalForGroup
Geo::s32 groupIdx
) const
Access the cache data.
Anchor | ||||
const Geo::s32* Enlighten::MergeGeometry::CacheGetUniqueVertIndicesInGroup
public: const Geo::s32 * CacheGetUniqueVertIndicesInGroup
Geo::s32 groupIdx
) const
Access the cache data.
Anchor | ||||
double Enlighten::MergeGeometry::CacheGetWorldSurfaceAreaForGroup
public: double CacheGetWorldSurfaceAreaForGroup
Geo::s32 groupIdx
) const
Access the cache data.
Anchor | ||||
void Enlighten::MergeGeometry::CacheSetFlagsOnGroup
public: void CacheSetFlagsOnGroup
Geo::s32 groupIdx,
Geo::u32 flags
Access the cache data.
Anchor | ||||
bool Enlighten::MergeGeometry::CacheTestFlagsOnGroup
public: bool CacheTestFlagsOnGroup
Geo::s32 groupIdx,
Geo::u32 flags
) const
Access the cache data.
Anchor | ||||
float Enlighten::MergeGeometry::CalculateProjectedArea
public: float CalculateProjectedArea
const Geo::s32 * groupIndices,
Geo::s32 numGroups,
FitModel const & model
) const
calculate the total projected area of the passed in groups
Anchor | ||||
void Enlighten::MergeGeometry::ClearUp
public: void ClearUp()
Free all memory and reset the class to it's initial state.
Anchor | ||||
void Enlighten::MergeGeometry::ClearUpGeometry
public: void ClearUpGeometry()
Free just the vertex and index buffer data.
Anchor | ||||
void Enlighten::MergeGeometry::ClearUpTriGroupsAndParams
public: void ClearUpTriGroupsAndParams()
Free just the tri groups and param data.
Anchor | ||||
float Enlighten::MergeGeometry::ComputeGroupMaxDistance
public: float ComputeGroupMaxDistance
Geo::s32 groupIdx,
const FitModel & model,
float distanceThreshold
) const
The idea is that we want an optimal plane for the given combined groups.
Anchor | ||||
void Enlighten::MergeGeometry::ComputeModel
public: void ComputeModel
Geo::s32 groupIdx0,
Geo::s32 groupIdx1,
FitModel & model
) const
The idea is that we want an optimal plane for the given combined groups.
Anchor | ||||
void Enlighten::MergeGeometry::ComputeModel
public: void ComputeModel
Geo::s32 groupIdx,
FitModel & model
) const
The idea is that we want an optimal plane for the given combined groups.
Anchor | ||||
Geo::v128 Enlighten::MergeGeometry::ComputeTriNormal
public: Geo::v128 ComputeTriNormal
Geo::s32 vertIdx0,
Geo::s32 vertIdx1,
Geo::s32 vertIdx2
) const
Get a single representative normal for a triangle in a MergeGeometry.
Anchor | ||||
void Enlighten::MergeGeometry::FitPlaneToGroups
public: void FitPlaneToGroups
const Geo::s32 * groupIndices,
Geo::s32 numGroups,
FitModel & model
) const
The idea is that we want an optimal plane for the given combined groups.
Anchor | ||||
float Enlighten::MergeGeometry::GetMaxGeneralNormalDeviationCosForGroupIdx
public: float GetMaxGeneralNormalDeviationCosForGroupIdx
Geo::s32 groupIdx
) const
access per group data
Anchor | ||||
float Enlighten::MergeGeometry::GetMaxInitialNormalDeviationCosForGroupIdx
public: float GetMaxInitialNormalDeviationCosForGroupIdx
Geo::s32 groupIdx
) const
access per group data
Anchor | ||||
float Enlighten::MergeGeometry::GetMaxPlaneDistanceForGroupIdx
public: float GetMaxPlaneDistanceForGroupIdx
Geo::s32 groupIdx
) const
access per group data
Anchor | ||||
float Enlighten::MergeGeometry::GetOverlapExpansionPercForGroupIdx
public: float GetOverlapExpansionPercForGroupIdx
Geo::s32 groupIdx
) const
access per group data
Anchor | ||||
float Enlighten::MergeGeometry::GetSignificantAreaRatioForGroupIdx
public: float GetSignificantAreaRatioForGroupIdx
Geo::s32 groupIdx
) const
access per group data
Anchor | ||||
void Enlighten::MergeGeometry::GetTriPoints
public: void GetTriPoints
Geo::s32 tri,
Geo::GeoPoint3 & p0,
Geo::GeoPoint3 & p1,
Geo::GeoPoint3 & p2
) const
Utility function that is used when computing triangle shrinkage.
Anchor | ||||
bool Enlighten::MergeGeometry::InitialiseGeometry
public: bool InitialiseGeometry
Geo::s32 numVertices,
Geo::s32 numIndices
Initialise the vertex and index buffers to the given sizes.
This will clear any existing vertex and index buffer data first, but leaves all tri group and parameter data untouched.
The new buffers are initialised with -1 for indices and 0 for all other vertex data.
Anchor | ||||
bool Enlighten::MergeGeometry::InitialiseTriGroupsAndParams
public: bool InitialiseTriGroupsAndParams
Geo::TriGroupSelection * triGroups,
Geo::s32 numParams
Takes ownership (not a copy) of the tri group selection and creates the trigroup and param arrays.
Parameters are left at their defaults, and the mapping is initialised to 0.
Anchor | ||||
bool Enlighten::MergeGeometry::IsCacheValid
public: bool IsCacheValid() const
Checks if the cache is valid.
Anchor | ||||
public: MergeGeometry()
Just nulls everything.