Versions Compared


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Enlighten UE5 4.01 is based on Unreal Engine 5.001.10.

Enlighten UE5 is distributed as a collection of .zip files containing modifications to the base Unreal Engine version. The distribution .zip files are named as follows:


Version is the version of Enlighten. This comprises:

  • the Enlighten version number
  • R denotes the initial release; Pn denotes patch n
  • the internal build number

Unreal Engine Version is the version of Unreal Engine this package is compatible with

Type may be:

  • Base — Required. This zip contains the modified engine files and the Enlighten libraries and tools.
  • Samples — This zip contains maps and assets demonstrating Enlighten, contained in EnlightenSamples.uproject.
  • Platform specific files — Extra files required to run on console platforms. These are provided only to registered platform developers.

For example contains the Base files for the P1 release of Enlighten UE5 version 4.01 compatible with Unreal Engine version 5.001.10.

Enlighten license

The Enlighten Precompute requires a valid Enlighten license. Please place the license file in Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Enlighten.

Each licence file is valid for a limited period.  For licensing support, contact Enlighten Support.

Build Enlighten UE5

To build the Enlighten UE5 editor:


Xbox GDK
UE5.0009.0004.000October 2021 QFE
UE5.19.5085.000June 2022 QFE 214.3.0N/A