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This class is the base interface for the singleton object which manages all of the Enlighten updates for the systems and lights in the world, according to the current update strategy, solve type and albedo type.


AllocateCubeMap(const RadCubeMapCore *, IGpuTexture *)

Allocate a cube map object.

AllocateDynamicObject(const Enlighten::DynamicObject &)

Allocate a dynamic object.

AllocateProbeSet(const RadProbeSetCore *, bool, Enlighten::eSHOrder, RawBuffer)

Allocate a probe set object.

AllocateStaticProbeSet(const RadProbeSetCore *, bool, Enlighten::eSHOrder, RawBuffer)

Allocate a probe set object that is not solved at runtime.

AllocateStaticSystem(Geo::GeoGuid, InputLightingBuffer *, Geo::s32)

Allocate a radiosity system where the lighting does not change at runtime.

AllocateStaticSystem(Geo::GeoGuid, InputLightingBuffer *)

Allocate a radiosity system where the lighting does not change at runtime.

AllocateSystem(const InputWorkspace *, const PrecomputedVisibilityData *, Geo::s32)

Allocate a radiosity system.

AllocateSystem(const InputWorkspace *, const PrecomputedVisibilityData *)

Allocate a radiosity system.

AllocateSystem(const RadSystemCore *, const InputWorkspace *, const PrecomputedVisibilityData *, IGpuTexture *, Geo::s32)

Allocate a radiosity system.

AllocateSystem(const RadSystemCore *, const InputWorkspace *, const PrecomputedVisibilityData *, IGpuTexture *)

Allocate a radiosity system.

AllocateSystemSolutionSpace(const RadSystemCore *)

Allocate the solution space, which contains the textures and memory for the output, for a system.

AllocateSystemSolutionSpace(const RadSystemCore *, IGpuTexture *, eOutputFormat)

Allocate the solution space, which contains the textures and memory for the output, for a system.

AllocateSystemSolutionSpace(const RadSystemCore *, IGpuTexture *)

Allocate the solution space, which contains the textures and memory for the output, for a system.


Wait until asynchronous processing has finished, then remove all objects from the update manager.


Advanced: remove a cube map from the render thread-side list, prior to its removal.


Advanced: remove a dynamic object from the render thread-side list, prior to its removal.


Advanced: remove a probe set from the render thread-side list, prior to its removal.


Advanced: remove a system from the render thread-side system list, prior to its removal.

EnqueueAddCubeMap(BaseCubeMap *)

Add a previously allocated cube map to the worker's list.

EnqueueAddDynamicObject(BaseDynamicObject *)

Add a previously allocated dynamic object to the worker's list.

EnqueueAddProbeSet(BaseProbeSet *)

Add a previously allocated probe set to the worker's list.

EnqueueAddSystem(BaseSystem *)

Add a previously allocated system to the worker's list.

EnqueueReleaseSystemSolutionSpaces(ISystemSolutionSpace *const *, Geo::s32)

Enqueue system solution spaces release.


Removes all lights.

EnqueueRemoveCubeMap(Geo::GeoGuid, RemovalMode)

Remove or disable updates for a cube map.


Removes a dynamic object.


Removes an environment.


Removes a light.

EnqueueRemoveProbeSet(Geo::GeoGuid, RemovalMode)

Remove or disable updates for a probe set.

EnqueueRemoveSystem(Geo::GeoGuid, RemovalMode)

Remove or disable updates for a system.


Enqueue system solution spaces remove.


Set the update counters for all systems, probe sets and cube maps in the update manager.


Set the flag which turns off temporal coherence for the next frame and performs a full solve from scratch.

EnqueueSetLightBankUpdateCounter(Geo::s32, Geo::s32)

Set the light bank update counter for the given light bank.

EnqueueSetProbeSetManager(IProbeSetManager *)

Set the Probe Set Manager object.

EnqueueSetProbeSetTransform(Geo::GeoGuid, const Geo::Matrix &)

Set the world-to-local-space transform for the given probe set. This will trigger a global recomputation of all probe interpolants.

EnqueueSetVisibilityBits(Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::GeoGuid, void *)

Set the visibility data associated to a given (system/cube map, spotlight) pair.

EnqueueSetWorkerProperties(const UpdateManagerWorkerProperties &)

Enqueue a change to the worker's global state.

EnqueueUpdateEmissiveEnvironment(Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::s32, const Geo::v128 *)

Update the environment with the given GUID. If this environment hasn't been updated before it will be added to the update manager.

EnqueueUpdateLight(const Geo::GeoGuid &, const LightType &, UpdateLightOptions)

Add the light.


Wait for all commands to be executed before proceeding. This blocks the current thread, potentially for a long time.


Get the output texture for the cube map texture.

GetDynamicObjectEnvironmentVisibilityShCoeff(Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::SHCoeff &)

Gets the environment visibility probe output for a given dynamic object.

GetDynamicObjectShCoeff(Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::SHCoeff &, Geo::SHCoeff &, Geo::SHCoeff &)

Gets the probe output for a given dynamic object.


Returns number of cube maps registered with the update manager.


Returns number of dynamic objects registered with the update manager.


Returns number of probe sets registered with the update manager.


Returns number of systems registered with the update manager.

GetOutputTexture(Geo::GeoGuid, OutputTextureType)

Gets the output texture of the given type for the given system.


Returns information about the required PPPI output textures.

GetProbeOutput(Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::s32)

Returns the probe output for the given probe set and probe index, or NULL if the probe set produces compressed output.

GetProbeOutputIfUpdated(Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::s32 *)

Returns the probe output if the probeset has been updated since this function was last called on it, otherwise NULL.


Get the total number of ticks spent updating GPU textures.

GetU8ProbeOutput(Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::s32)

Returns the compressed probe output for the given probe set and probe index, or NULL if the probe set produces uncompressed output.


Gets the matrix to transform world space to UVW texture space for a dynamic object.


Returns true if the update manager has a cube map with this GUID; false if it doesn't.


Returns true if the update manager has a dynamic object with this GUID.


Returns true if the update manager has a probe set with this GUID; false if it doesn't.


Returns true if the update manager has a system with this GUID; false if it doesn't.


Are we at the limit of the number of allowed enqueued updates, and therefore the update rate is throttled?


Destroys the update manager and all the resources it owns.


Free this object that was created within the Enlighten libraries.


Returns true for Update Managers that require spotlight visibility to be copied to the CPU before it can be used.

SetPppiOutputWorkspace(const PppiOutputWorkspace &, IPppiTextureUpdateHandler *)

Use the provided PPPI output textures.


Wait for all asynchronous processing to finish, then quit the worker thread(s), if any.


The main update function. This should be called once per frame from the rendering thread.

UpdatePppi(const Geo::v128 &, const IViewVolumeIntersector *, float)

Update PPPI indirection texture based on the view origin.

UpdatePppiBorder(const PppiIrradiance &)

Update the lighting for parts of the PPPI volume not covered by any probe set.


Free this object that was created within the Enlighten libraries.

Expect this to behave in a similar way to calling 'delete(this)'
