Name | Description |
AssembleSystemGeometry(const IPrecompInputSystem *, const IPrecompInputGeometry *const *, Geo::s32, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompPackedSystem *&) | Assemble system geometry. |
CalculateCubeMapSystemDependencies(const IPrecompInputCubeMap *, const IPrecompPackedSystem *const *, Geo::s32, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompSystemDependencies *&) | Calculate system dependencies for a cube map. |
CalculateProbeSetSystemDependencies(const IPrecompInputProbeSet *, const IPrecompPackedSystem *const *, Geo::s32, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompSystemDependencies *&) | Calculate system dependencies for a probe set. |
CalculateSystemDependencies(const IPrecompPackedSystem *, const IPrecompPackedSystem *const *, Geo::s32, float, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompSystemDependencies *&) | Calculate system dependencies for a system. |
CalculateSystemDependenciesByDistance(const IPrecompInputSystem *const *, Geo::s32, const IPrecompInputGeometry *const *, Geo::s32, float, bool, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompSystemsDependencies *&) | Calculate dependencies for the input systems. |
ClassifyInstanceAsLightmapOrProbeLit(const Geo::Matrix &, const IPrecompInputGeometry *, float, bool, float, double, eMeshClassificationLightingType &) | Decides whether a given geometry instance should be probe-lit or lightmap-lit based on how good its generated Auto UVs are. |
ClassifyInstancesAsContributingProbeLit(const Geo::Matrix *, const IPrecompInputGeometry *const *, const float *, Geo::s32, float, bool *) | Decides which probe-lit instances should be contributing ("Probe Radiosity") and which should not ("Fully Dynamic") based on how much light each instance and its neighbours could block. |
CompileClusteringOutput(const IPrecompSystemPreClustering *, const IPrecompSystemClustering *, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IClusteringOutput *&) | Extract some data about the clustering process. |
CompileCubeMap(const IPrecompOutputCubeMap *, Enlighten::eSolverType, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompCubeMapCore *&) | Compile the data from the cube map output object into runtime format. |
CompileDepthCubeMap(const IPrecompOutputCubeMap *, IPrecompDepthCubeMap *&) | Compile the depth data from the cube map output object. |
CompileInputWorkspace(const IPrecompSystemDuster *, Enlighten::eSolverType, bool, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, InputWorkspace *&) | Compile the data from the dusters and radiosity cores into an InputWorkspace. |
CompileLightTransportOutput(const IPrecompSystemLightTransport *, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, ILightTransportOutput *&) | Extract some data about the light transport process. |
CompileMaterialData(const IPrecompSystemDuster *, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *&) | Compile the data from the dusters into a ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData. |
CompileProbeSet(const IPrecompOutputProbeSet *, Enlighten::eSolverType, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompProbeSetRadiosity *&) | Compile the data from the probeset light transport into runtime format. |
CompileRadiosity(const IPrecompSystemCompressedLightTransport *, Enlighten::eSolverType, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompSystemRadiosity *&) | Compile the data from the light transport into runtime format. |
CompileRadiosityNormalTexture(const IPrecompSystemCompressedLightTransport *, IPrecompRadiosityNormalTexture *&) | Compile the radiosity normal texture from the light transport data. |
CompressLightTransport(const IPrecompSystemLightTransport *, const IPrecompSystemDuster *, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompSystemCompressedLightTransport *&) | Compress the data from the light transport into a tighter format. |
CreateClustering(const IPrecompSystemPreClustering *, const IPrecompPackedSystem *const *, Geo::s32, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompSystemClustering *&) | Create clustering for a system. |
CreateCubeMap(const IPrecompInputCubeMap *, const IPrecompSystemClustering *const *, Geo::s32, const IPrecompSystemPreClustering *const *, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompOutputCubeMap *&) | Run the precompute for a cube map. |
CreateLightTransport(const IPrecompPackedSystem *, const IPrecompPackedSystem *const *, Geo::s32, const IPrecompSystemClustering *const *, Geo::s32, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompSystemLightTransport *&) | Create the light transport for a system. |
CreateOutputProbeOctree(const IPrecompInputProbeOctree *, const IPrecompPackedSystem *const *, Geo::s32, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompOutputProbeOctree *&) | Adaptively generate probe positions within a volume, based on distance to geometry. |
CreatePreClustering(const IPrecompPackedSystem *, const IPrecompPackedSystem *const *, Geo::s32, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompSystemPreClustering *&) | Create pre-clustering for a system. |
CreateProbeSet(const IPrecompInputProbeSet *, const IPrecompSystemClustering *const *, Geo::s32, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompOutputProbeSet *&) | Create the spherical harmonic data for an SH probe set. |
CreateSystemDusters(const IPrecompSystemClustering *, const IPrecompSystemClustering *const *, Geo::s32, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompSystemDuster *&) | Create the platform-agnostic runtime input sample points. |
CreateSystemDusters(const IPrecompSystemClustering *, const IPrecompSystemClustering *const *, Geo::s32, const PointProjectionSurface *, Geo::s32, const PointProjectionVersion *, Geo::s32, const PointProjectionOptions *, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompSystemDuster *&) | Create the platform-agnostic runtime input sample points including versions of projected points. |
CreateSystemsByVoxelisation(const IPrecompInputSystem *, const IPrecompInputGeometry *const *, Geo::s32, float, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompGeneratedSystems *&) | Split the input system into automatically generated systems. |
CreateSystemsByVoxelisation(const IPrecompInputSystem *, const IPrecompPackedGeometry *const *, Geo::s32, float, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompGeneratedSystems *&) | Split the input system into automatically generated systems. |
CreateVisibilityData(const IPrecompSystemClustering *, const IPrecompSystemClustering *const *, Geo::s32, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, PrecomputedVisibilityData *&) | Create precomputed visibility data for directional lights for a system. |
DumpInputProbeRegion(const IPrecompInputProbeRegion *, const char *) | Dump debug data for a probe region. |
LicenseDaysRemaining() | Number of full days remaining for the set license. Returns -1 if the set license is invalid and/or outdated. |
PackGeometry(const IPrecompInputGeometry *, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompPackedGeometry *&) | Simplify and pack geometry meshes. |
PackSystem(const IPrecompInputSystem *, const IPrecompPackedGeometry *const *, Geo::s32, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompPackedSystem *&) | Pack systems. |
ProjectGeometry(const IPrecompInputGeometry *, const IPrecompPackedGeometry *const *, Geo::s32, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompPackedGeometry *&) | Project detail meshes in an pInputGeometry onto target clusters from pBaseGeometries This is guaranteed not to change the pInputGeometry and pBaseGeometries in any way, so can be done after a precompute to get new UVs for a detail mesh that was not known about when the last precompute was run. |
ProjectSystem(const IPrecompInputSystem *, const IPrecompInputGeometry *const *, Geo::s32, const IPrecompInputSystem *, const IPrecompPackedGeometry *const *, Geo::s32, const Geo::Geo2DTransform *, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *, IPrecompPackedSystem *&) | Project a system comprised entirely of detail mesh instances across another system. |
Release() | Free this object that was created within the Enlighten libraries. |
SetCpuGpuMode(Geo::ECpuGpuMode) | Sets the hardware mode for the Enlighten precompute. |
SetCpuThreadMax(Geo::s32) | Sets the maximum number of threads that the Cpu mode will use. |
SetLicense(const char *, Geo::s32) | Set the license string. Must set before any precompute action. |
SetMaxConcurrentRays(Geo::s32) | Sets the total number of rays that the precompute will generate at one time. Set this only if you are concerned about memory pressure. |
SetMinimumCompatibleVersion(EMinimumCompatibleVersion) | Sets the minimum version of Enlighten, precompute should generate data for (default is emcvEnlighten3). |
SetStateDump(EStateDump) | Sets the level of reproduction data saved by the IPrecompute tasks. |
SetStateDumpFolder(const char *) | Sets the folder that shall contain reproduction data for the IPrecompute tasks. |
ValidateBuildParameters(const IPrecompInputSystem *, const IPrecompInputGeometry *const *, Geo::s32, bool, bool, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *) | Examine the incoming data and determine if the supplied parameters will violate memory or reasonable performance limits. |
ValidateGeometryParameters(const IPrecompInputGeometry *, Geo::s32 *, Geo::IGeoProgressProxy *) | Examine the incoming geometry and determine if the supplied parameters violate memory and performance limits. |