class Enlighten::UpdateManagerProperties
This class contains the properties of an Update Manager which must be supplied on creation and can't be changed.
Name | Description |
eOutputFormat m_CubemapOutputFormat | Texture format to use for cubemap output. |
PrecisionHint::Value m_InputLightingPrecisionHint | Precision hint for either full float (32bit) precision or half float (16bit) precision. |
eOutputFormat m_IrradianceOutputFormat | Texture format to use for irradiance output. |
ILimiter * m_Limiter | Optional work limiter interface for use with multithreaded CPU update manager. |
eSHOrder m_MaximumEnvVisShOrder | The maximum SH order to allocate space for in dynamic object probe output for environment visibility data. |
eSHOrder m_MaximumShOrder | The maximum SH order to allocate space for in dynamic object probe output. |
eOutputFormatByteOrder m_OutputFormatByteOrder | The byte order in which to output 8-bit-per-pixel textures. Only affects SSE, NEON and reference solvers. |
PppiConfiguration m_PppiConfiguration | Configure per pixel probe lighting. Set non-zero PppiConfiguration::m_AtlasSize to enable. |
PppiOutputWorkspace m_PppiOutputWorkspace | The PPPI output textures. |
IPppiProbeSetStateHandler * m_PppiProbeSetStateHandler | If non-null, will be called after changes to the set of active probe sets. The userData argument refers to a BaseProbeSet. Owned by the caller. May be called at any time before the update manager is destroyed. |
IPppiTextureUpdateHandler * m_PppiTextureUpdateHandler | If non-null, will be called after partial updates of the PPPI output textures. Owned by the caller. May be called at any time before the update manager is destroyed. |
SolveType m_SolveType | Whether to solve directional irradiance, directional irradiance separately for each colour channel or irradiance only) |
EnlightenProfile * m_StatsProfile | Optional pointer. |
Command * m_ThreadCreationCommand | Optional command to execute on the worker thread just after it is created. |
IThreadGroup * m_ThreadGroup | Optional async thread group interface for use with multithreaded CPU update manager. |
Geo::s32 m_UpdateCounterDefault | The default number of radiosity updates to enqueue for newly added system, probe set or cubemap. |
bool m_UseEntireProbeSetSolver | Whether or not to use the Entire Probe Set Solver instead of the original Probe Solver. |
bool m_UseLegacyProbeInterpolation | When true, probe lighting use only non-octree probe sets. Not compatible with PPPI. |
bool m_UseProbeSetLod | When true, skip radiosity updates for distant probe sets. Requires PPPI. |
Geo::u64 m_WorkerThreadAffinity | Affinity to assign to the worker thread when using the multithreaded CPU update manager. |
Name | Description |
UpdateManagerProperties() | Constructor, setting default values for the creation-time update manager properties. |
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public: UpdateManagerProperties()
Constructor, setting default values for the creation-time update manager properties.