Name | Description |
AddCubeMap(BaseCubeMap *const &) | Add a cube map to the worker. |
AddDynamicObject(BaseDynamicObject *const &) | Add a dynamic object to the worker. |
AddProbeSet(BaseProbeSet *const &) | Add a probe set to the worker. |
AddSystem(BaseSystem *const &) | Add a system to the worker, and allocate any required auxiliary resources. |
ClearCubeMapVolumeTransparency(Geo::GeoGuid const &) | Clears the cube map volume transparency. |
ClearSystemVolumeTransparency(Geo::GeoGuid const &) | Clears the system volume transparency. |
CopyAlbedoBuffer(CopyAlbedoBufferInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of an albedo buffer. |
CopyBounceBuffer(CopyBounceBufferInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of an emissive buffer. |
CopyEmissiveBuffer(CopyEmissiveBufferInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of an emissive buffer. |
CopyEmissiveEnvironment(CopyEmissiveEnvironmentInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of an emissive environment. |
CopyGeometryTransparencyBuffer(CopyTransparencyBufferInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of a geoemtry transparency buffer. |
CopyInputLightingBuffer(CopyInputLightingBufferInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of an input lighting buffer. |
CopyMaterialTransparencyBuffer(CopyTransparencyBufferInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of a material transparency buffer. |
CopyProbeOutput(CopyProbeOutputInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of Enlighten probe set output. |
CopyRawOutput(CopyRawOutputInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of raw Enlighten texture output. |
CopyVisibilityBuffer(CopyVisibilityBufferInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of a visibility data block. |
ExcludesEnvironmentInPrimaryBounce() | Returns the value of the worker property m_ExcludeEnvrionmentInPrimaryBounce. |
GetLightMethodSelector() | Gets the light method selector. |
GetSizeOfProbeInputWorkspaceMemory() | Get the total size of probe set output workspaces. |
GetSizeOfProbeOutputWorkspaceMemory() | Get the total size of probe set input workspaces. |
GetSizeOfWorkingMemory() | Get the size of the working memory required for solving. |
IsUpdateLimited() | Are we at the limit of the number of allowed enqueued updates, and therefore the update rate is throttled? |
ProbeSetManagerSetMaxWeightForProbeSet(Geo::GeoGuid const &, float) | Set max interpolation weight for a given probe set. |
ReadInputLightingBuffer(ReadInputLightingBufferInfo const &) | These functions are provided for debugging/visualisation purposes. |
ReleaseSystemSolutionSpaces(ReleaseSystemSolutionSpacesInfo const &) | Release the solution spaces. |
RemoveAllLights() | Remove all lights. |
RemoveCubeMap(RemoveInfo const &) | Remove a cube map from the worker (either completely or partially) |
RemoveDynamicObject(RemoveInfo const &) | Remove a dynamic object from the worker. |
RemoveEmissiveEnvironment(Geo::GeoGuid const &) | Remove the environment with the given id. |
RemoveLight(Geo::GeoGuid const &) | Remove the light with the given id. |
RemoveLightBank(Geo::s32 const &) | Remove a light bank. |
RemoveProbeSet(RemoveInfo const &) | Remove a probe set from the worker (either completely or partially) |
RemoveSystem(RemoveInfo const &) | Remove a system from the worker (either completely or partially) |
RemoveSystemSolutionSpaces(Geo::GeoGuid const &) | Removes the solution spaces from the system. This function will not release the solution spaces. |
SetAllUpdateCounters(Geo::s32 const &) | Set all system and probe update counters to count. |
SetDoFullSolveNextFrame() | Disable temporal coherence so a full solve is performed next frame. |
SetDoIndirectInputLightingNextFrame(Geo::GeoGuid const &) | Sets a flag to run indirect input lighting on the next frame. |
SetLightBankUpdateCounter(SetLightBankUpdateCounterInfo const &) | Set a light bank update counter. |
SetProbeSetManager(IProbeSetManager *const &) | Set a probe set manager. |
SetProbeSetTransform(SetProbeSetTransformInfo const &) | Set a probe set world-to-local-space transform. |
SetSystemSolutionSpaces(ISystemSolutionSpace *const *, const Geo::s32, const Geo::s32) | Set the solution spaces used by a system. |
SetTransparencySamplePositionOffset(SetTransparencySamplePositionOffsetInfo const &) | Sets the transparency sample position offset. |
SetVisibilityBits(SetVisibilityBitsInfo const &) | Sets the visibility block for a (system, light) pair. |
SetWorkerProperties(UpdateManagerWorkerProperties const &) | Set the worker global state. |
TriggerTransparencyVolume(const Enlighten::BoxVolume &) | Triggers a transparency volume. |
TriggerTransparencyVolume(const Enlighten::SphereVolume &) | Triggers a transparency volume. |
UpdateEmissiveEnvironment(UpdateEnvironmentInfo const &) | Update (or add) the environment with the given id. |
UpdateLight(UpdateLightInfo const &) | Update (or add) the light with the given id. |
UpdateRadiosity() | The main radiosity update function. |
Allocate and make a copy of Enlighten probe set output.
Anchor | ||||
Allocate and make a copy of raw Enlighten texture output.
Anchor | ||||