class Geo::IffWriter
An IffWriter allows you to use an IGeoStream to create Iff format binary files easily.
It is passed an IGeoStream in its constructor and also implements IGeoStream, thus making it like an Adaptor pattern. Although the class uses the terms 'BeginFile' and 'EndFile' the underlying stream can be of any type.
Name | Description |
~IffWriter() | Note: Does not close the underlying IGeoStream (so you can write multiple Iff files to one IGeoStream) |
~IGeoInputStream() | Deleting a stream should behave like a close operation. |
~IGeoStream() | Deleting a stream should behave like a close operation. |
BeginChunk(u32) | Begin a new Iff chunk. |
BeginFile(u32, s32) | Write the Iff preamble and leave space to go back and fill in block data sizes, etc. |
BeginType(TypeId, u32) | Provide information about the typed data written to the stream. |
EndChunk() | Close the most recent chunk (note that the position of the stream when this is called determines the size of the chunk, be careful when jumping around inside IffWriter not to leave your current chunk) |
EndFile() | Close all open chunks, going back and filling in the chunk sizes before this point. |
EndType(u32) | Provide information about the typed data written to the stream. |
Fail() | Put the writer directly into a fail state. |
GetPosition() | Wrap the IGeoStream::GetPosition function. |
GetPosition() | Return the position of the read/write pointer within the stream (prototype matches ftell) |
GetPosition() | Return the position of the read/write pointer within the stream (prototype matches ftell) |
IffWriter(IGeoStream &) | Construct an IffWriter with a pre-existing IGeoStream. |
IsEof() | Is the read pointer at the end of the file (as with feof, only returns true if you have read past end) |
IsEof() | Is the read/write pointer at the end of the file (as with feof, only returns true if you have read past end) |
IsEof() | Wrap the IGeoStream::IsEof function (not expected to be used) |
IsOk() | Tests if the stream is valid. |
IsOk() | Tests if the stream is valid. |
IsOk() | Wrap the IGeoStream::IsOk function, returning status of the IffWriter also. |
IsWriterOk() | Return status of the writer. |
NonCopyable(NonCopyable &&) | Defaulted to allow move. |
operator=(NonCopyable &&) | Defaulted to allow move. |
Read(T(&)) | Read a fixed size array. |
Read(void *, size_t, size_t) | Wrap the IGeoStream::Read function, making it invalid. |
Read(TIter, TIter) | Read a collection of objects, returning true on success. |
Read(void *, size_t, size_t) | Read data (prototype matches fread). Prefer to use the templated Read methods. |
Read(T &) | Read a single object, returning true on success. |
ReadImpl(T &, GeoStd::FalseType) | Read a single object, returning true on success. |
ReadImpl(T &, GeoStd::TrueType) | Read a single object, returning true on success. |
ReadToEnd() | Reads the stream to its end and returns the data as a char array. |
SetPosition(u64) | Set the position of the read/write pointer within the stream (prototype matches fseek) |
SetPosition(u64) | Wrap the IGeoStream::SetPosition function, be careful when jumping around inside IffWriter. |
SetPosition(Geo::u64) | Set the position of the read/write pointer within the stream (prototype matches fseek) |
Write(const T(&)) | Write a fixed size array. |
Write(TIter, TIter) | Write a collection of objects, in range [begin, end) as STL-style classes support. |
Write(const void *, size_t, size_t) | Write data (prototype matches fwrite). Prefer to use the templated Write methods. |
Write(const T &) | Write a single object, returning true on success. |
Write(const void *, size_t, size_t) | Wrap the IGeoStream::Write function, tracking the return code. |
Name | Description |
EStreamMode | An IGeoStream is open in either esmRead or esmWrite mode. |
public: ~IffWriter()
Note: Does not close the underlying IGeoStream (so you can write multiple Iff files to one IGeoStream)
virtual Geo::IGeoInputStream::~IGeoInputStream
public: virtual ~IGeoInputStream()
Deleting a stream should behave like a close operation.
virtual Geo::IGeoStream::~IGeoStream
public: virtual ~IGeoStream()
Deleting a stream should behave like a close operation.
bool Geo::IffWriter::BeginChunk
public: bool BeginChunk
u32 type
Begin a new Iff chunk.
These are used to allow selective loading (and to skip data that is not expected)
bool Geo::IffWriter::BeginFile
public: bool BeginFile
u32 fileType,
s32 fileVersion
Write the Iff preamble and leave space to go back and fill in block data sizes, etc.
You are encouraged to make the Iff tag public and somewhere that other code can access.
virtual u32 Geo::IGeoStream::BeginType
public: virtual u32 BeginType
TypeId type,
u32 count
Provide information about the typed data written to the stream.
bool Geo::IffWriter::EndChunk
public: bool EndChunk()
Close the most recent chunk (note that the position of the stream when this is called determines the size of the chunk, be careful when jumping around inside IffWriter not to leave your current chunk)
bool Geo::IffWriter::EndFile
public: bool EndFile()
Close all open chunks, going back and filling in the chunk sizes before this point.
Does not close the underlying IGeoStream.
virtual void Geo::IGeoStream::EndType
public: virtual void EndType
u32 index
Provide information about the typed data written to the stream.
void Geo::IffWriter::Fail
public: void Fail()
Put the writer directly into a fail state.
virtual u64 Geo::IffWriter::GetPosition
public: virtual u64 GetPosition() const
Wrap the IGeoStream::GetPosition function.
virtual Geo::u64 Geo::IGeoInputStream::GetPosition
public: Geo::u64 GetPosition() const
Return the position of the read/write pointer within the stream (prototype matches ftell)
virtual u64 Geo::IGeoStream::GetPosition
public: u64 GetPosition() const
Return the position of the read/write pointer within the stream (prototype matches ftell)
public: IffWriter
IGeoStream & stream
Construct an IffWriter with a pre-existing IGeoStream.
virtual bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::IsEof
public: bool IsEof() const
Is the read pointer at the end of the file (as with feof, only returns true if you have read past end)
virtual bool Geo::IGeoStream::IsEof
public: bool IsEof() const
Is the read/write pointer at the end of the file (as with feof, only returns true if you have read past end)
virtual bool Geo::IffWriter::IsEof
public: virtual bool IsEof() const
Wrap the IGeoStream::IsEof function (not expected to be used)
virtual bool Geo::IGeoStream::IsOk
public: bool IsOk() const
Tests if the stream is valid.
virtual bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::IsOk
public: bool IsOk() const
Tests if the stream is valid.
virtual bool Geo::IffWriter::IsOk
public: virtual bool IsOk() const
Wrap the IGeoStream::IsOk function, returning status of the IffWriter also.
bool Geo::IffWriter::IsWriterOk
public: bool IsWriterOk() const
Return status of the writer.
Prefer to use the IGeoStream::IsOk() method
public: NonCopyable
NonCopyable &&
Defaulted to allow move.
NonCopyable& Geo::NonCopyable::operator=
public: NonCopyable & operator=
NonCopyable &&
Defaulted to allow move.
bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::Read
public: bool Read
T(&) a
Read a fixed size array.
virtual size_t Geo::IffWriter::Read
public: virtual size_t Read
void * pData,
size_t size,
size_t count
Wrap the IGeoStream::Read function, making it invalid.
bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::Read
public: bool Read
TIter begin,
TIter end
Read a collection of objects, returning true on success.
Object must be considered blittable (see IsBlittable<T>). Note that the storage must have been pre-allocated as it will write directly to the iterators provided. Given that we do not have the STL-style 'back-inserter' classes, for GeoArrays you should use the ReadArray helper function.
virtual size_t Geo::IGeoInputStream::Read
public: size_t Read
void * pData,
size_t size,
size_t count
Read data (prototype matches fread). Prefer to use the templated Read methods.
GEO_FORCE_INLINE bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::Read
public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE bool Read
T & object
Read a single object, returning true on success.
There must either be a ReadObject overload for T, or T be considered blittable (see IsBlittable<T>).
bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::ReadImpl
public: bool ReadImpl
T & object,
Read a single object, returning true on success.
There must either be a ReadObject overload for T, or T be considered blittable (see IsBlittable<T>).
bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::ReadImpl
public: bool ReadImpl
T & object,
Read a single object, returning true on success.
There must either be a ReadObject overload for T, or T be considered blittable (see IsBlittable<T>).
virtual Geo::GeoArray<char> Geo::IGeoInputStream::ReadToEnd
public: virtual Geo::GeoArray< char > ReadToEnd()
Reads the stream to its end and returns the data as a char array.
virtual bool Geo::IGeoStream::SetPosition
public: bool SetPosition
u64 pos
Set the position of the read/write pointer within the stream (prototype matches fseek)
virtual bool Geo::IffWriter::SetPosition
public: virtual bool SetPosition
u64 pos
Wrap the IGeoStream::SetPosition function, be careful when jumping around inside IffWriter.
virtual bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::SetPosition
public: bool SetPosition
Geo::u64 pos
Set the position of the read/write pointer within the stream (prototype matches fseek)
bool Geo::IGeoStream::Write
public: bool Write
const T(&) a
Write a fixed size array.
bool Geo::IGeoStream::Write
public: bool Write
TIter begin,
TIter end
Write a collection of objects, in range [begin, end) as STL-style classes support.
Objects have same requirements single object Write (see IsBlittable<T>).
virtual size_t Geo::IGeoStream::Write
public: size_t Write
const void * pData,
size_t size,
size_t count
Write data (prototype matches fwrite). Prefer to use the templated Write methods.
GEO_FORCE_INLINE bool Geo::IGeoStream::Write
public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE bool Write
const T & object
Write a single object, returning true on success.
There must either be a WriteObject overload for T, or T must be blittable (see IsBlittable<T>).
virtual size_t Geo::IffWriter::Write
public: virtual size_t Write
const void * pData,
size_t size,
size_t count
Wrap the IGeoStream::Write function, tracking the return code.
public: enum EStreamMode
An IGeoStream is open in either esmRead or esmWrite mode.
esmWrite | |
esmRead |