class Geo::IGeoInputStream

An IGeoInputStream allows you to read memory/files in a consistent manner, and is an extension point for users wishing to control where data is stored.

The simplest implementation is

GeoFileStream which stores/loads content from a file.


Name Description

Deleting a stream should behave like a close operation.


Return the position of the read/write pointer within the stream (prototype matches ftell)


Is the read pointer at the end of the file (as with feof, only returns true if you have read past end)


Tests if the stream is valid.

Read(T &)

Read a single object, returning true on success.

Read(void *, size_t, size_t)

Read data (prototype matches fread). Prefer to use the templated Read methods.

Read(TIter, TIter)

Read a collection of objects, returning true on success.


Read a fixed size array.

ReadImpl(T &, GeoStd::TrueType)

Read a single object, returning true on success.

ReadImpl(T &, GeoStd::FalseType)

Read a single object, returning true on success.


Reads the stream to its end and returns the data as a char array.


Set the position of the read/write pointer within the stream (prototype matches fseek)

virtual Geo::IGeoInputStream::~IGeoInputStream

public: virtual ~IGeoInputStream()

Deleting a stream should behave like a close operation.

virtual Geo::u64 Geo::IGeoInputStream::GetPosition

public: Geo::u64 GetPosition() const

Return the position of the read/write pointer within the stream (prototype matches ftell)

virtual bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::IsEof

public: bool IsEof() const

Is the read pointer at the end of the file (as with feof, only returns true if you have read past end)

virtual bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::IsOk

public: bool IsOk() const

Tests if the stream is valid.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::Read

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE bool Read
    T & object

Read a single object, returning true on success.

There must either be a ReadObject overload for T, or T be considered blittable (see IsBlittable<T>).

virtual size_t Geo::IGeoInputStream::Read

public: size_t Read
    void * pData,
    size_t size,
    size_t count

Read data (prototype matches fread). Prefer to use the templated Read methods.

bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::Read

public: bool Read
    TIter begin,
    TIter end

Read a collection of objects, returning true on success.

Object must be considered blittable (see IsBlittable<T>). Note that the storage must have been pre-allocated as it will write directly to the iterators provided. Given that we do not have the STL-style 'back-inserter' classes, for GeoArrays you should use the ReadArray helper function.

bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::Read

public: bool Read
    T(&) a

Read a fixed size array.

bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::ReadImpl

public: bool ReadImpl
    T & object,

Read a single object, returning true on success.

There must either be a ReadObject overload for T, or T be considered blittable (see IsBlittable<T>).

bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::ReadImpl

public: bool ReadImpl
    T & object,

Read a single object, returning true on success.

There must either be a ReadObject overload for T, or T be considered blittable (see IsBlittable<T>).

virtual Geo::GeoArray<char> Geo::IGeoInputStream::ReadToEnd

public: virtual Geo::GeoArray< char > ReadToEnd()

Reads the stream to its end and returns the data as a char array.

virtual bool Geo::IGeoInputStream::SetPosition

public: bool SetPosition
    Geo::u64 pos

Set the position of the read/write pointer within the stream (prototype matches fseek)