A collection of debugging utility classes to help unpick problems in the API and the lighting.
Name | Description |
Enlighten::ClusterRange | The ClusterRange describes a range of leaf clusters that belong to a certain cluster in the tree. |
Enlighten::GeoClusterNode | Debugging output representation of a value in the clustering metric. |
Enlighten::GeoClusterNodeForest | Debugging output representation of a set of clustering metric hierarchies. |
Enlighten::GeoClusterNodeTree | Debugging output representation of a hierarchy of clustering metrics. |
Enlighten::GeoDirectionalPoint | Debugging output representation of a point with a normal. |
Enlighten::GeoRayOrigin | Debugging output representation of a ray origin. |
Enlighten::IClusteringOutput | An interface for diagnosing the quality and any issues with the clustering process in EnlightenPrecomp2. |
Enlighten::ILightTransportOutput | An interface for diagnosing the quality and any issues with the light transport process in EnlightenPrecomp2. |
Enlighten::IMeshSimpOutput | An interface for diagnosing the quality and any issues with the mesh simplification process in EnlightenPrecomp2. |
Enlighten::IrradianceOutputDesc | Irradiance and directional irradiance output capture. |
Enlighten::LightTransportPixel | Debugging output representation of an output pixel. |
Enlighten::RadDebugBucketSelectionTask | Structure describing an internal debugging task to colour output pixels according to debug data. |
Enlighten::RadDebugColouringTask | Structure describing a task to colour output pixels according to debug data. |
Enlighten::RadDebugPixelInfo | Extended information about a pixel in the Enlighten output for internal debugging purposes. |
Name | Description |
CompareIrradianceOutputBuffers(Geo::Statistics &, Geo::Statistics &, const Enlighten::IrradianceOutputDesc &, const Enlighten::IrradianceOutputDesc &) | Compares a pair of Enlighten irradiance outputs. |
DoDebugColouring(const Enlighten::RadDebugColouringTask *) | Write debugging colours to an output texture. |
FindDebugClusterInfo(RadDebugPixelInfo *, Geo::s32, const RadSystemCore *) | Fill in a RadDebugPixelInfo for a specified leaf cluster index (for internal debugging purposes). |
FindDebugPixelInfo(RadDebugPixelInfo *, float, float, const RadSystemCore *, const ILightTransportOutput *) | Fill in a RadDebugPixelInfo for a specified UV coordinate (for internal debugging purposes). |
IsValid(const RadSystemCore *, const char *) | Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc). |
IsValid(const RadProbeSetCore *, Geo::u32, const char *) | Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc). |
IsValid(const RadProbeSetCore *, const char *) | Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc). |
IsValid(const RadCubeMapCore *, const char *) | Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc). |
IsValid(const InputWorkspace *, const char *, bool) | Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc). |
IsValid(const ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, const char *, bool) | Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc). |
IsValid(const PrecomputedVisibilityData *, const char *) | Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc). |
IsValid(const PrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace *, const char *) | Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc). |
IsValid(const InterpolationInputSet *, const char *) | Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc). |
IsValid(const ResamplingData *, const char *) | Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc). |
RunDebugBucketSelectionTask(const Enlighten::RadDebugBucketSelectionTask *) | Generate a texture that highlights the information specified in the task object. |
Name | Description |
Geo::GeoMap< Geo::s32, const GeoClusterNodeTree * > ClusterIdLookup | Lookup from linear cluster ID to node. |
Geo::GeoArray< ClusterRange > ClusterRangeArray | Collection of cluster ranges. |
Geo::GeoArray< GeoDirectionalPoint > GeoDirectionalPointList | Collection of points with normals for debugging. |
Geo::GeoArray< GeoRayOrigin > GeoRayOriginList | Collection of ray origins for debugging. |
Geo::GeoArray< GeoRayOrigin * > GeoRayOriginListPtr | Collection of ray origins for debugging. |
Geo::GeoArray< Geo::GeoTriangle > GeoTriangleList | Collection of triangles for debugging. |
public: bool GEO_CALL CompareIrradianceOutputBuffers
Geo::Statistics & irrResult,
Geo::Statistics & dirResult,
const Enlighten::IrradianceOutputDesc & descA,
const Enlighten::IrradianceOutputDesc & descB
Compares a pair of Enlighten irradiance outputs.
Returns true if the output buffers could be compared.
[inout] | irrResult | - The result of comparing irradiance. Only written if the function succeeded. |
[inout] | dirResult | - The result of comparing directional element. Only written if the function succeeded. |
[in] | descA | - The first irradiance output to compare. |
[in] | descB | - The second irradiance output to compare. |
public: bool GEO_CALL DoDebugColouring
const Enlighten::RadDebugColouringTask * task
Write debugging colours to an output texture.
The default is to colour naughty pixels in red, and wings in blue in an irradiance output. To use this function with SH-style output, call it three times (once for each output texture), with appropriate debugging values. Or to say if differently: If you clear the texture to zero (including alpha) in advance you could render with the results as an additive overlay, but it will also work just as well if you want to add the results on top of the usual radiosity output.
[in] | task | A valid pointer to a RadDebugColouringTask to perform. |
public: bool GEO_CALL FindDebugClusterInfo
RadDebugPixelInfo * infoOut,
Geo::s32 clusterIndex,
const RadSystemCore * radCore
Fill in a RadDebugPixelInfo for a specified leaf cluster index (for internal debugging purposes).
Given a cluster index, find the pixel and related indices that the cluster index corresponds to. Returns false if nothing was found at the location.
public: bool GEO_CALL FindDebugPixelInfo
RadDebugPixelInfo * infoOut,
float u,
float v,
const RadSystemCore * radCore,
const ILightTransportOutput * ltOutput
Fill in a RadDebugPixelInfo for a specified UV coordinate (for internal debugging purposes).
Given a UV coordinate find the pixel and related indices that the UV coordinate corresponds to. The ltOutput parameter is optional, but the other arguments are not. Returns false if nothing was found at the location.
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const RadSystemCore * radCore,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore,
Geo::u32 sectionMask,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const RadCubeMapCore * cubeMapCore,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
const char * functionName,
bool requireProjectedPoints
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * cawData,
const char * functionName,
bool requireMaterialGuids
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const PrecomputedVisibilityData * visData,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const PrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace * visWorkspace,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const InterpolationInputSet * inputSet,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const ResamplingData * resamplingData,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL RunDebugBucketSelectionTask
const Enlighten::RadDebugBucketSelectionTask * task
Generate a texture that highlights the information specified in the task object.
[in] | task | A valid pointer to a RadDebugBucketSelectionTask to perform. |