class Enlighten PipelineGlobalParameters

This is the documentation for Enlighten.

class Enlighten PipelineGlobalParameters

class Enlighten::PipelineGlobalParameters

The parameters that affect the precompute for all instances in the scene.


Name Description
PipelineWorldAxes m_Axes

Whether to invert each of the X Y and Z axes of world space.

bool m_ComputeClusterProbeSampleOffsetData

If true, enables transmittance, aka runtime transparency.

PipelineEnvironmentResolution m_CubemapEnvironmentResolution

The resolution of cubemaps in the scene.

ePrecompCubeMapQuality m_CubemapIrradianceQuality

The number of rays to cast (per cubemap position) for computing irradiance form factors.

bool m_CullProbes

If true, probes are not created in areas that see invalid back-faces.

float m_DependencyIncludedSystemDistance


Geo::u32 m_DirectionalVisibilitySlices

The number of directions for which directional-light shadows are precomputed.

PipelineEnvironmentResolution m_EnvironmentResolution

The resolution of the emissive environment.

bool m_ExcludeEnvironmentInPrimaryBounce

If true, the emissive environment affects only light bounced from surfaces. Use this when you apply sky lighting in your own pixel shader.

PipelineFormFactorBudget m_IrradianceBudget

The number of form factors to store per lightmap pixel.

ePrecompQuality m_IrradianceQuality

The number of rays to cast (per sample location) for computing irradiance form factors.

eSHOrder m_ProbeEnvironmentVisibilityShOrder

The number of spherical harmonic coefficients computed for environment visibility.

PipelineFormFactorBudget m_ProbeIrradianceBudget

The number of form factors to store per probe.

ePrecompQuality m_ProbeIrradianceQuality

The number of rays to cast (per probe position) for computing irradiance form factors.

float m_ProbeRegionErrorThreshold

To trade density of generated probes for accuracy.

float m_ProbeRegionVoxelSize

The minimum spacing between probes created for a probe octree.

eSHOrder m_ProbeShOrder

The number of spherical harmonic coefficients computed for probe output.

Geo::u32 m_SamplesPerCluster

The number of input lighting samples (duster points) created per cluster.

Geo::GeoVector3 m_TerrainU

When using terrain LOD: the horizontal axis of the terrain heightmap.

Geo::GeoVector3 m_TerrainV

When using terrain LOD: the vertical axis of the terrain heightmap.



public: PipelineGlobalParameters
    PipelineWorldAxes axes,
    float probeRegionVoxelSize


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