class Enlighten CubeMapMeta

This is the documentation for Enlighten.

class Enlighten CubeMapMeta

class Enlighten::CubeMapMeta

Public interface for querying metadata of a single cube map.


Name Description

Gets the GUID of this cube map.


Gets the name of this cube map.


Gets the GUID of the Volume which defines the position and orientation of the cube map, as well as the extents of the proxy geometry.


Some accessors return an 'invalid' object to represent nothing or not-found.

const Geo::GeoGuid& Enlighten::CubeMapMeta::GetGuid

public: const Geo::GeoGuid & GetGuid() const

Gets the GUID of this cube map.

const char* Enlighten::CubeMapMeta::GetName

public: const char * GetName() const

Gets the name of this cube map.

const Geo::GeoGuid& Enlighten::CubeMapMeta::GetVolumeGuid

public: const Geo::GeoGuid & GetVolumeGuid() const

Gets the GUID of the Volume which defines the position and orientation of the cube map, as well as the extents of the proxy geometry.

This GUID should be matched up with your game engine's representation of the cube map (the GUID is also available in Max/Maya).

bool Enlighten::CubeMapMeta::IsValid

public: bool IsValid() const

Some accessors return an 'invalid' object to represent nothing or not-found.

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