Enlighten cubemaps

This is the documentation for Enlighten.

Enlighten cubemaps

Use the cubeMap element to specify a cubemap object in the .scene file.

Cubemap objects

Create one cubemap object for each local reflection probe placed in the world, with name attribute that is unique within the scene..

Set the faceWidth attribute to control the resolution of the cubemap. A resolution of 32x32 pixels provides sufficient accuracy for glossy reflections on rough surfaces.

high resolution can be expensive to update.

Use the position and boxBasis attributes to set the world transform of the cubemap.

If your world is split into chunks for streaming, set the zone attribute to group cubemaps into a single zone for each chunk.

<cubeMap name="Cube01" zone="zone1">
    <faceWidth width="32"/>
    <position x="-4679.0" y="2000.0" z="450.0" />
        <U x="1.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
        <V x="0.000000" y="1.000000" z="0.000000" />
        <N x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="1.000000" />


To show the locations of cubemaps in the scene, load the scene in GeoRadiosity and enable the visualisation for cube maps.

To see an example of the box projected reflection technique, visualize the reflections from a cubemap in GeoRadiosity. Add the boxSize and boxOrigin elements to provide the box placed by the artist. Use the boxBasis attribute to orient both the cubemap and the box.

Load the scene in GeoRadiosity and choose the Directional irradiance + cube map render mode to display reflections.

These attributes determines how the reflections are drawn when the scene is loaded in GeoRadiosity or GeoViewer.

A typical implementation of Enlighten does not need to add these attributes.

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