This is the documentation for Enlighten.

Troubleshooting GeoRadiosity

This page describes difficulties you may encounter when using GeoRadiosity and how to overcome them.


Reason / Solution

Shadowing issues

GeoRadiosity uses a shadow-map based algorithm to render shadow-casting point light sources, and a cascaded shadow-map algorithm for a directional light source. These algorithms can lead to jagged shadow edges and light leaking when the shadow caster and the shadowed object are close to each other. This can be tuned using the lambda value for point light sources.
These artefacts are limited to the rendering in GeoRadiosity and not the Enlighten radiosity engine.

Because visibility information from the shadowed point light sources is also used as input to the Enlighten radiosity calculation in GeoRadiosity, these artefacts can result in wrong radiosity calculations in GeoRadiosity. In this case, try to minimise the visible artefacts in GeoRadiosity as described above or visualise the calculation using other tools in your pipeline instead of GeoRadiosity.


Contact the Enlighten support team.

Incorrect scale & orientation of scene on load

Click the Rendering tab and use Toggle Camera Up Axis (Y/Z) and Toggle World Unit Scale (1/100) to correct the scale and orientation.

Baking does not give correct results

If you have edited the materials for the scene (by manually editing the .mats files) since you loaded the scene into GeoRadiosity, the baking process will not pick up these changes. You must re-load the scene before baking.