This is the documentation for Enlighten.
GeoRadiosity is a previewer tool that allows you to view a scene with and without realtime radiosity. It is part of the supplied example tool chain and is intended for debugging assets.
GeoRadiosity is primarily a lighting exploration, demonstration and debugging tool, and is not intended to be representative of a game. Due to its ability to extract and visualise data from a customer integration, it can be used as a ready-made runtime to help you debug your integration and allow you to tackle an integration in small steps. Eventually, it is expected that you will fully integrate Enlighten into your own engine and no longer need to use GeoRadiosity.
How to use GeoRadiosity
- Launch GeoRadiosity.
- Load and precompute your assets.
- Change the renderers and lighting, and adjust the post-processing.
- Use the visualisation services to view more detailed Enlighten information, including the performance and light animation information.
Also see our GeoRadiosity tutorial.
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