7. Lightmap resolution
This is the documentation for Enlighten.
7. Lightmap resolution
Enlighten automatically creates a UV set for every actor lit with a lightmap. This UV set maps pixels from the lightmap onto the surface of the mesh.
- To see the lightmap pixels mapped to the actors, in the Show menu, enable Enlighten > Lightmap Charts.
The colors in the level change to show the different lighting modes.
Don't worry if the colors in the screenshot above don't match the colors in your level. - Change the View Mode back to Unlit.
This disables lighting in the level, making the coloration more obvious.
Each colored area represents one chart. Each square of a chart represents a lightmap pixel.
The target lightmap pixel size for each actor changes depending on the Enlighten Quality you choose for the actor. - To see the Enlighten lightmap pixel sizes in the level, in the Show menu, disable Enlighten > Lightmap Charts and enable Lighting Quality.
Actors that use High quality are shown in blue. Actors that use Medium quality are shown in green. The Medium quality uses a larger target lightmap pixel size.
This level has been designed so actors that are closer to the ground (and therefore the player's perspective) use higher-quality lighting. Change the View Mode back to Lit to restore the lighting.
From the Show menu, select Use Defaults to show the level with the default editor visualizations..
Notice that although the higher building levels use lower-quality lightmaps (larger pixel size), they still have believable indirect lighting.Default view Lighting Quality view
, multiple selections available,