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Name Description
const Geo::u32 BakeDusterTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('D','U','S','T')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeEnvTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','E','N','V')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeGBufferMask = 0x00000002

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a baking file.

const Geo::u32 BakeGBufferTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','B','U','F')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::s32 BakeInputGeometryLightingNormalsFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','L','N','S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::s32 BakeInputGeometryTangentsFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','I','T','S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::s32 BakeInputGeometryUvsFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','I','U','S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeInputLightingFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','I','L','I')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeInputMaterialFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','I','M','T')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeInputPropertiesFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','I','P','R')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeInputRayOriginPositionsFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','I','R','O')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeInputRuntimeFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','I','R','T')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeInputStaticSetDressingFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','S','S','D')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeInputSystemFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','I','S','Y')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeMeshMask = 0x00000004

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a baking file.

const Geo::u32 BakeMeshTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('M','E','S','H')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputDirectionalDataMask = 0x00000010

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a baking file.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputDirectionalDataTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('S','D','A','T')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputDirectionalIrradianceDataMask = 0x00000080

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a baking file.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputDirectionalIrradianceDataTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','D','I','R')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputFinalGatherDataMask = 0x00000020

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a baking file.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputFinalGatherDataTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('F','G','D','T')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputFinalGatherErrorDataMask = 0x00000040

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a baking file.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputFinalGatherErrorDataTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('F','G','E','R')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputFloatDataMask = 0x00000001

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a baking file.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputFloatDataTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('F','D','A','T')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputProbeSetFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','O','P','S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputProbeSetVisibilityFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','O','P','V')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputSystemAOFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','O','A','O')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputSystemDirectFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','O','D','I')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputSystemFinalGatherFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','O','F','G')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputSystemIndirectFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','O','I','N')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputSystemRadiosityNormalFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','O','R','N')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeOutputSystemVisibilityFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','O','V','S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeRuntimeLightingFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','M','A','T')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeRuntimeProbeSetsTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('R','T','P','S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeRuntimeSystemsTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('R','T','S','Y')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeSolvedRuntimeFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','R','U','N')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeSystemResourceFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','R','E','S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeTextureTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','T','E','X')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeUVMask = 0x00000008

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a baking file.

const Geo::u32 BakeUVTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','K','U','V')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BakeVisibilityBufferFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('B','V','B','F')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of baking input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 BuildParametersFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','B','P')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('C', 'A', 'W', 'M')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of runtime data files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialGuidsSection = 0x1

Flag to request loading of the material guids data.

const Geo::u32 ClusterClusterBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','C','C')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ClusterCubeMapCoreFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G', 'E', 'S', 'C')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of runtime data files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ClusterDusterBlockMask = 0x00000004

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 ClusterDusterBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','C','D')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ClusteringFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','C','S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ClusteringOutputFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G', 'E', 'C', 'O')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of debugging data files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ClusterInputTriDataBlockMask = 0x00000010

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 ClusterInputTriDataBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','C','I')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ClusterKdTreeBlockMask = 0x00000008

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 ClusterKdTreeBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','C','K')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ClusterLeavesMeshBlockMask = 0x00000001

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 ClusterLeavesMeshBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','C','L')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ClusterMaterialGuidsBlockMask = 0x00000040

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 ClusterPositionArrayBlockMask = 0x00000020

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 ClusterPositionArrayBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','C','P')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ClusterProbeSampleOffsetDataSection = 0x8

Flag to request loading of the optional per cluster probe sample offsets.

const Geo::u32 ClusterTreeBlockMask = 0x00000002

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 ClusterTreeBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','C','T')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 CompLightTransportPayloadBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('D','A','T','A')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 CompressedLightTransportFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','C','L','T')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 CubeMapBuildParametersFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','B','C')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 CubeMapInputFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','C','M','I')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 CubeMapOutputFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','C','M','O')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 CubeMapPrecompBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','C','P','B')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 DusterFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','D','G')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 DynamicInputWorkspaceDataSection = 0x1

Flag to request loading of the optional dynamic input workspace radiosity data.

const Geo::u32 DynamicRadiosityDataSection = 0x2

Flag to request loading of the optional dynamic radiosity core data.

const Geo::u32 EntireProbeSetPrecompSection = 0x8

Flag to request loading of the entire probe set solver precompute data.

const Geo::u32 EnvironmentBounceDataSection = 0x8

Flag to request loading the optional Environment only bounce core data.

const Geo::u32 GeneratedSystemsFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','G','S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 HighQualityBounceCoordinateDataSection = 0x4

Flag to request loading of the optional HQ bounce coordinates.

const Geo::u32 InputDependenciesFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','I','D')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 InputGeometryFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','I','G')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 InputMeshFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('M','E','S','H')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 InputSystemFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','I','S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 InputViewSetCollectionFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','V','S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 InputWorkspaceFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G', 'E', 'I', 'W')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of runtime data files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 LightTransportFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','L','T')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 LightTransportOutputFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G', 'E', 'L', 'O')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of debugging data files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::s32 LODDataBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','L','O','D')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 MaterialGuidsDataBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','M','G')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 MeshSimpDataBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','M','S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 MeshSimpOutputFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G', 'E', 'M', 'S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of debugging data files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 MeshSimpOutputFullDataTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G', 'E', 'M', 'F')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of debugging data files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 OutputDependenciesFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','O','D')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 OutputGeometrLODMask = 0x00000003

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 OutputGeometryFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','O','G')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 OutputGeometryInputGeometryBlockMask = 0x00000001

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 OutputGeometryMeshSimpDataBlockMask = 0x00000002

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 OutputInstanceFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','O','I')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 OutputSystemAllMask = 0x000000FF

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 OutputSystemAtlasBlockMask = 0x00000001

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 OutputSystemAtlasBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','O','S','A')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 OutputSystemFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','O','S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 OutputSystemGeometryBlockMask = 0x00000004

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 OutputSystemGeometryBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','O','S','G')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 OutputSystemInstancesBlockMask = 0x00000002

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 OutputSystemInstancesBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','O','S','I')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 OutputSystemMaterialGuidsBlockMask = 0x00000010

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 OutputSystemMeshSimpDataBlockMask = 0x00000008

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 OutputSystemPrecompLODMask = 0x00000040

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 OutputSystemPrecompMaterialsDescBlockMask = 0x00000020

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::s32 OutputSystemPrecompPackedVertexBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G', 'O', 'S', 'V')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 OutputSystemPrecompPackedVertexDataMask = 0x00000080

Masks for specifying if an optional data block is present in a precompute file.

const Geo::u32 PreClusteringFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','P','C')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 PrecompMaterialsDescBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','M','D')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 PrecomputedVisibilityDataFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G', 'E', 'V', 'S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of runtime data files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ProbeOctreeBuildParametersFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','B','O')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ProbeSetBuildParametersFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','P','B')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ProbeSetDebugDataFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G', 'E', 'P', 'D')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of runtime data files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ProbeSetDebugDataSection = 0x10

Flag to request loading of the optional data that may be used for debug and/or visualisation purposes.

const Geo::u32 ProbeSetInterpolationDataFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G', 'E', 'P', 'I')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of runtime data files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ProbeSetInterpolationDataSection = 0x2

Flag to request loading of the optional data for probe interpolation.

const Geo::u32 ProbeSetOctreeDataFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G', 'E', 'P', 'O')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of runtime data files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ProbeSetPrecompSection = 0x1

Flag to request loading of the probe set precompute data.

const Geo::u32 ProbeSetVisibilityDataFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G', 'E', 'P', 'V')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of runtime data files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ProbeSetVisibilityDataSection = 0x4

Flag to request loading of the optional visibility data for probe interpolation.

const Geo::u32 ProjectedPointsInputWorkspaceDataSection = 0x2

Flag to request loading of the optional projected input sample positions.

const Geo::u32 ProjectionDataSection = 0x1

Flag to request loading of the optional projection data for projection issue visualisation.

const Geo::u32 RadProbeSetCoreFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G', 'E', 'S', 'H')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of runtime data files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 RadSystemCoreFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G', 'E', 'S', 'G')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of runtime data files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ResamplingDataFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G', 'E', 'R', 'D')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of runtime data files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 ResamplingDataSection = 0x4

Flag to request loading of the optional resampling radiosity core data.

const Geo::u32 SHProbeAtlasMaximaFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('S','P','A','M')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 SHProbeInputFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('S','H','P','I')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 SHProbeOctreeInputFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('S','P','T','I')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 SHProbeOctreeLayoutFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('S','P','O','L')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 SHProbeOctreeOutputFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('S','P','T','O')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 SHProbeOutputFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('S','H','P','O')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 SHProbeRegionInputFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('S','P','R','I')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 SHProbeSetBlockTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('S','H','P','S')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

const Geo::u32 SystemGeometryFileTag = GEO_MAKE_FOURCC('G','E','S','G')

Tags that get placed at the beginning of precompute input and output files to differentiate their types.

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