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class Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon


Implementation of the worker class, containing functionality for platforms which run tasks on a multithreaded CPU.

This includes Windows PC. There are three possible ways the MulithreadCpuWorker can execute tasks:

  • via the AsyncTaskCallback, if it is supplied at creation; or

  • via Intel Threaded Building Blocks (Windows only); or

  • failing both of these, on a single worker thread


Name Description

Internal enumeration for keeping track of the update loop.


Name Description
Geo::RingBuffer m_CommandBuffer

Buffer of enqueued commands.

Geo::s64 m_CommandThreadTicks

Time taken to execute commands on the command thread.

Geo::GeoKeyValueArray< Geo::GeoGuid, BaseCubeMap > m_CubeMapArray

Cube map GUID to data mapping.

eOutputFormat m_CubemapOutputFormat

Cubemap output format (immutable)

ProcessingStage m_CurrentStage

The current processing stage in the Enlighten update loop.

Geo::GeoCriticalSection m_DestroyArrayCriticalSection

Critical section for modifying the to-be-destroyed array.

Geo::GeoKeyValueArray< Geo::GeoGuid, UpdateManagerLight > m_DirectionalLights

Array of directional lights.

Geo::GeoMap< Geo::u32, DirectionPalette * > m_DirectionPalettes

Map of DirectionPalettes for use with EPSS.

Geo::GeoKeyValueArray< Geo::GeoGuid, BaseDynamicObject > m_DynamicObjectArray

Dynamic object GUID to data mapping.

Geo::GeoAtomic< Geo::u32 > m_EnlightenTaskIndex

Index of next task in the Enlighten task queue.

Geo::GeoArray< EnlightenTask > m_EnlightenTasks

List of low-level Enlighten tasks to do.

Geo::GeoKeyValueArray< Geo::GeoGuid, BaseEnvironment > m_EnvironmentArray

Environment GUID to data mapping.

Geo::GeoEvent m_ExecuteCommandEvent

Handle to event trigger to execute commands.

UpdateManagerWorkerProperties m_GlobalState

Global solver parameters.

bool m_InputLightingListDirty

Regenerate the hash of the InputLightingList.

Geo::u32 m_InputLightingListHash

Hash of the list of InputLightingBuffers.

PrecisionHint::Value m_InputLightingPrecisionHint

Input lighting precision hint.

Geo::u32 m_InterpolationInputChangeId

Counter incremented when the list of probe inputs is recreated.

bool m_InterpolationInputListRecreated

Flag set when the list of probe inputs was recreated.

Geo::GeoArray< InterpolationInputSet > m_InterpolationInputSets

List of interpolation inputs (ie probe sets with their output)

Geo::GeoAtomic< Geo::u32 > m_InterpolationTimeUs

Interpolation times in microseconds.

eOutputFormat m_IrradianceOutputFormat

Irradiance output format (immutable)

Geo::s64 m_LastUpdateTick

The last time we started to update (used for stats computation).

Geo::GeoMap< Geo::s32, Geo::s32 > m_LightBankMap

Light bank id to number of updates counter.

LightMethodSelector * m_LightMethodSelector

Light method selector.

Geo::GeoKeyValueArray< Geo::GeoGuid, UpdateManagerLight > m_LightsWithoutVisibility

Array of non-directional lights without visibility data.

Geo::GeoKeyValueArray< Geo::GeoGuid, UpdateManagerLight > m_LightsWithVisibility

Array of non-directional lights with visibility data.

ILimiter * m_Limiter

Interface to limit amount of Enlighten work performed.

Geo::GeoAtomic< Geo::u32 > m_NumEnqueuedUpdates

Number of update calls currently in the command queue.

Geo::GeoArray< Geo::IGeoReleasable * > m_ObjectsToDestroy

Array of objects which need to be destroyed by update manager.

eOutputFormatByteOrder m_OutputFormatByteOrder

Byte order to output 8-bit textures (immutable)

Geo::GeoKeyValueArray< Geo::GeoGuid, BaseProbeSet > m_ProbeSetArray

ProbeSet GUID to data mapping.

Enlighten::IProbeSetManager * m_ProbeSetManager

Probe Sets Manager object that can provide probe weights for interpolation.

Geo::u32 m_PropertiesHash

Hash of the worker properties.

bool m_QuitThread

Flag which tells the worker thread to quit the update loop.

bool m_RecreateInterpolationInputList

Flag set when we need to regenerate the list of probe inputs.

bool m_RegisterWithProfiler

Flag to indicate that all objects need to be registered with the profiler.

bool m_SolvedRadiosity

Whether we have completed a solve since the last stats update.

Geo::s32 m_SolverLightArraySize

Size of the solver light array allocation.

SolveType m_SolveType

Whether to solve directional irradiance, directional irradiance separately for each colour channel or irradiance only)

EnlightenProfile * m_StatsProfile

Optional pointer to a statistics profiler.

Geo::GeoKeyValueArray< Geo::GeoGuid, BaseSystem > m_SystemArray

System GUID to data mapping.

TaskProcessor * m_TaskProcessors

Multithreaded tasks to execute through the interface.

Command * m_ThreadCreationCommand

Command to execute on the worker thread on creation.

IThreadGroup * m_ThreadGroup

Interface to execute asynchronous multithreaded tasks.

bool m_ThreadRunning

Is the command thread running.

Geo::s32 m_TotalNumLights

Total number of lights in the current solver array.

bool m_UseEntireProbeSetSolver

Should we use the EPSS?

bool m_UseProbeSetLod

Use or not Probe Set LOD.

Geo::GeoArray< WorkerThreadData * > m_WorkerThreadData

Internal array of working data for each worker thread.


Name Description
AddCubeMap(BaseCubeMap *const &)

Add a cube map to the worker.

AddCubeMap(BaseCubeMap *const &)

Add a cube map to the worker.

AddCubeMap(BaseCubeMap *const &)

Add a cube map to the worker.

AddDynamicObject(BaseDynamicObject *const &)

Add a dynamic object to the worker.

AddDynamicObject(BaseDynamicObject *const &)

Add a dynamic object to the worker.

AddProbeSet(BaseProbeSet *const &)

Add a probe set to the worker.

AddProbeSet(BaseProbeSet *const &)

Add a probe set to the worker.

AddProbeSet(BaseProbeSet *const &)

Add a probe set to the worker.

AddSystem(BaseSystem *const &)

Add a system to the worker, and allocate any required auxiliary resources.

AddSystem(BaseSystem *const &)

Add a system to the worker, and allocate any required auxiliary resources.

AddSystem(BaseSystem *const &)

Add a system to the worker, and allocate any required auxiliary resources.

AllocateVisibilityData(Geo::s32, Enlighten::eLightType)

Allocates/Frees memory for visibility data.

BaseWorker(SolveType, eOutputFormat, eOutputFormat, eOutputFormatByteOrder, PrecisionHint::Value, bool, bool, EnlightenProfile *)

Base class constructor.


Remove all objects from the worker, and free memory allocated by the worker.


Remove all objects from the worker, and free memory allocated by the worker.

ClearCubeMapVolumeTransparency(Geo::GeoGuid const &)

Clears the cube map volume transparency.

ClearCubeMapVolumeTransparency(Geo::GeoGuid const &)

Clears the cube map volume transparency.

ClearSystemVolumeTransparency(Geo::GeoGuid const &)

Clears the system volume transparency.

ClearSystemVolumeTransparency(Geo::GeoGuid const &)

Clears the system volume transparency.

ComputeDirectionalVisibility(CpuSystem *)

Compute directional light visibility for the given system.

CopyAlbedoBuffer(CopyAlbedoBufferInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of an albedo buffer.

CopyAlbedoBuffer(CopyAlbedoBufferInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of an albedo buffer.

CopyBounceBuffer(CopyBounceBufferInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of an emissive buffer.

CopyBounceBuffer(CopyBounceBufferInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of an emissive buffer.

CopyEmissiveBuffer(CopyEmissiveBufferInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of an emissive buffer.

CopyEmissiveBuffer(CopyEmissiveBufferInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of an emissive buffer.

CopyEmissiveEnvironment(CopyEmissiveEnvironmentInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of an emissive environment.

CopyEmissiveEnvironment(CopyEmissiveEnvironmentInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of an emissive environment.

CopyGeometryTransparencyBuffer(CopyTransparencyBufferInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of a geoemtry transparency buffer.

CopyGeometryTransparencyBuffer(CopyTransparencyBufferInfo const &)

Copies the geometry transparency buffer.

CopyInputLightingBuffer(CopyInputLightingBufferInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of an input lighting buffer.

CopyInputLightingBuffer(CopyInputLightingBufferInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of an input lighting buffer.


Convert UpdateManagerLights to Enlighten::InputLights in preparation for Enlighten work.

CopyMaterialTransparencyBuffer(CopyTransparencyBufferInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of a material transparency buffer.

CopyMaterialTransparencyBuffer(CopyTransparencyBufferInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of a material transparency buffer.

CopyProbeOutput(CopyProbeOutputInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of Enlighten probe set output.

CopyProbeOutput(CopyProbeOutputInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of Enlighten probe set output.

CopyRawOutput(CopyRawOutputInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of raw Enlighten texture output.

CopyRawOutput(CopyRawOutputInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of raw Enlighten texture output.

CopyVisibilityBuffer(CopyVisibilityBufferInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of a visibility data block.

CopyVisibilityBuffer(CopyVisibilityBufferInfo const &)

Allocate and make a copy of a visibility data block.

CpuWorker(SolveType, eOutputFormat, eOutputFormat, eOutputFormatByteOrder, PrecisionHint::Value, bool, bool, EnlightenProfile *, Command *)

Constructor, taking properties which are fixed at creation time.


Decrements the update counters for all systems, probe sets, cube maps and light banks.


Release all the objects this worker constructed.

DoBounceSolverTask(Enlighten::SolveBounceTask, void *, Geo::u32 &, Geo::u32 &, CpuSystem *)

Call the bounce solver and trigger feedback updates if required.

DoCubeMapSolve(BaseCubeMap *, WorkerThreadData *)

Do the solve task for a cube map using the working memory of the given thread index.

DoDynamicObjectInterpolation(BaseDynamicObject *)

Do the interpolation for a single dynamic object, to allow multithreading.


Runs the probe interpolation tasks for all dynamic objects, non-multithreaded.


Copies the environment values from the application-settable copy to the internal copy.


Do the next task on the queue using the working memory of the given thread index.

DoSystemInputLighting(BaseSystem *, WorkerThreadData *)

Do the input lighting task for a system using the working memory of the given thread index.

DoSystemSolutionSpaceFreeze(CpuSystemSolutionSpace *, Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *, CpuSystem *, WorkerThreadData *, Geo::u32 &, bool)

Do a freeze of the solution space data.

DoSystemSolutionSpaceSolve(CpuSystem *, CpuSystemSolutionSpace *, void *, const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *, float, bool, bool, Geo::u32 &, Geo::u32 &)

Do a solve of a particular system solution space for a given system and update bounce buffers.

EnqueueCommand(CommandType &&)

Enqueues a command for later execution by the worker thread, if it is running.


Tell the update thread to quit.


Enqueue a radiosity update on the worker thread.


Ensure the solver light buffer is large enough to store all the lights.


Have we requested to solve the environment in secondary bounce only. (ie skip primary bounce)


Returns the value of the worker property m_ExcludeEnvrionmentInPrimaryBounce.


Executes and destroys commands in the command ring buffer until the buffer is empty.

FindObject(const Geo::GeoGuid &, BaseSystem *&)

Finds the object with the given GUID.

FindObject(ObjectType *, ObjectType *&)

Finds the object with the given address.

FindObject(const Geo::GeoGuid &, BaseProbeSet *&)

Finds the object with the given GUID.

FindObject(const Geo::GeoGuid &, ObjectType *&)

Finds the object with the given GUID.

FindObject(const Geo::GeoGuid &, CpuSystem *&)

Specialise the BaseWorker::FindObject to deal with a concrete type here.

FindObject(const Geo::GeoGuid &, BaseDynamicObject *&)

Finds the object with the given GUID.

FindObject(const Geo::GeoGuid &, BaseCubeMap *&)

Finds the object with the given GUID.

FreeVisibilityData(Geo::s32, bool)

Allocates/Frees memory for visibility data.


Gets the precision hint for the input lighting buffer,.


Gets the light method selector.


Gets the light method selector.


Get the total size of probe set output workspaces.


Get the total size of probe set output workspaces.


Get the total size of probe set input workspaces.


Get the total size of probe set input workspaces.


Get the size of the working memory required for solving.


Get the size of the working memory required for solving.


Get the size of the working memory required for solving.


Returns the array of systems. Used by the GeoMaya plug in to work out when to trigger refreshes.


One-time thread group initialisation.


Returns true if called on the worker thread, or if no worker thread is running.


Returns true if called on the worker thread, or if no worker thread is running.

IsEnvOnlyUpdateRequired(CpuSystemSolutionSpace *, bool, const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *)

Returns true if the EnvOnly feature is enabled and an update is required.


Are we at the limit of the number of allowed enqueued updates, and therefore the update rate is throttled?


Are we at the limit of the number of allowed enqueued updates, and therefore the update rate is throttled?


Whether the worker thread is currently running.


Returns true if a separate worker thread is currently running, false if not.

LogProfiling(const ObjectType *, F)

Log stats with the profiler using an enclosure.

MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon(SolveType, eOutputFormat, eOutputFormat, eOutputFormatByteOrder, PrecisionHint::Value, bool, bool, EnlightenProfile *, Command *, IThreadGroup *, ILimiter *, Geo::u64)


ProbeSetManagerSetMaxWeightForProbeSet(Geo::GeoGuid const &, float)

Set max interpolation weight for a given probe set.

ProbeSetManagerSetMaxWeightForProbeSet(Geo::GeoGuid const &, float)

Set max interpolation weight for a given probe set.

PushMultipleObjectsToDestroy(Geo::IGeoReleasable *const *, Geo::s32)

Push a list of objects which has been removed from the worker on to a list to be destroyed by the rendering thread.

PushObjectToDestroy(Geo::IGeoReleasable *)

Push an object which has been removed from the worker on to a list to be destroyed by the rendering thread.

ReadInputLightingBuffer(ReadInputLightingBufferInfo const &)

These functions are provided for debugging/visualisation purposes.

ReadInputLightingBuffer(ReadInputLightingBufferInfo const &)

These functions are provided for debugging/visualisation purposes.


Updates the probe interpolation inputs, if required.

ReleaseSystemSolutionSpaces(ReleaseSystemSolutionSpacesInfo const &)

Release the solution spaces.

ReleaseSystemSolutionSpaces(ReleaseSystemSolutionSpacesInfo const &)

Release system solution spaces.


Remove all lights.


Remove all lights.

RemoveCubeMap(RemoveInfo const &)

Remove a cube map from the worker (either completely or partially)

RemoveCubeMap(RemoveInfo const &)

Remove a cube map from the worker (either completely or partially)

RemoveCubeMap(RemoveInfo const &)

Remove a cube map from the worker (either completely or partially)


Removes a light with the given GUID from the list of directional lights (if one is found), and frees the associated memory.

RemoveDynamicObject(RemoveInfo const &)

Remove a dynamic object from the worker.

RemoveDynamicObject(RemoveInfo const &)

Remove a dynamic object from the worker.

RemoveDynamicObject(RemoveInfo const &)

Remove a dynamic object from the worker.

RemoveEmissiveEnvironment(Geo::GeoGuid const &)

Remove the environment with the given id.

RemoveEmissiveEnvironment(Geo::GeoGuid const &)

Remove the environment with the given id.

RemoveLight(Geo::GeoGuid const &)

Remove the light with the given id.

RemoveLight(Geo::GeoGuid const &)

Remove the light with the given id.

RemoveLightBank(Geo::s32 const &)

Remove a light bank.

RemoveLightBank(Geo::s32 const &)

Remove a light bank.


Removes a light with the given GUID from the list of lights without visibility (if one is found), and frees the associated memory.


Removes a light with the given GUID from the list of lights with visibility (if one is found), and frees the associated memory.

RemoveProbeSet(RemoveInfo const &)

Remove a probe set from the worker (either completely or partially)

RemoveProbeSet(RemoveInfo const &)

Remove a probe set from the worker (either completely or partially)

RemoveProbeSet(RemoveInfo const &)

Remove a probe set from the worker (either completely or partially)

RemoveSystem(RemoveInfo const &)

Remove a system from the worker (either completely or partially)

RemoveSystem(RemoveInfo const &)

Remove a system from the worker (either completely or partially)

RemoveSystem(RemoveInfo const &)

Remove a system from the worker (either completely or partially)

RemoveSystem(RemoveInfo const &)

Remove a system from the worker (either completely or partially)

RemoveSystemFromDependencyLists(BaseSystem *)

Removes the given system from all cached dependency lists.

RemoveSystemSolutionSpaces(Geo::GeoGuid const &)

Removes the solution spaces from the system. This function will not release the solution spaces.

RemoveSystemSolutionSpaces(Geo::GeoGuid const &)

Removes the solution spaces from the system. This function will not release the solution spaces.


Re-register all objects with the profiler.


Start the worker thread if it is not already running.


Start the worker thread if it is not already running.

SetAllUpdateCounters(Geo::s32 const &)

Set all system and probe update counters to count.

SetAllUpdateCounters(Geo::s32 const &)

Set all system and probe update counters to count.


Disable temporal coherence so a full solve is performed next frame.


Disable temporal coherence so a full solve is performed next frame.

SetDoIndirectInputLightingNextFrame(Geo::GeoGuid const &)

Sets a flag to run indirect input lighting on the next frame.

SetDoIndirectInputLightingNextFrame(Geo::GeoGuid const &)

Sets a flag to run indirect input lighting on the next frame.

SetLightBankUpdateCounter(SetLightBankUpdateCounterInfo const &)

Set a light bank update counter.

SetLightBankUpdateCounter(SetLightBankUpdateCounterInfo const &)

Set a light bank update counter.

SetProbeSetManager(IProbeSetManager *const &)

Set a probe set manager.

SetProbeSetManager(IProbeSetManager *const &)

Set a probe set manager.

SetProbeSetTransform(SetProbeSetTransformInfo const &)

Set a probe set world-to-local-space transform.

SetProbeSetTransform(SetProbeSetTransformInfo const &)

Set a probe set world-to-local-space transform.

SetSystemSolutionSpaces(ISystemSolutionSpace *const *, const Geo::s32, const Geo::s32)

Set the solution spaces used by a system.

SetSystemSolutionSpaces(ISystemSolutionSpace *const *, const Geo::s32, const Geo::s32)

Set the solution spaces used by a system.

SetTransparencySamplePositionOffset(SetTransparencySamplePositionOffsetInfo const &)

Sets the transparency sample position offset.

SetTransparencySamplePositionOffset(SetTransparencySamplePositionOffsetInfo const &)

Sets the transparency sample position offset.

SetVisibilityBits(SetVisibilityBitsInfo const &)

Sets the visibility block for a (system, light) pair.

SetVisibilityBits(SetVisibilityBitsInfo const &)

Sets the visibility block for a (system, light) pair.

SetWorkerProperties(UpdateManagerWorkerProperties const &)

Set the worker global state.

SetWorkerProperties(const UpdateManagerWorkerProperties &)

Set the worker global state.

SetWorkerProperties(const UpdateManagerWorkerProperties &)

Set the worker global state.


One-time therad group shut down.


Signal the worker thread to stop and wait until it quits.


Signal the worker thread to stop and wait until it quits.

TriggerTransparencyVolume(const Enlighten::BoxVolume &)

Triggers a transparency volume.

TriggerTransparencyVolume(const Enlighten::SphereVolume &)

Triggers a transparency volume.

TriggerTransparencyVolume(const Enlighten::BoxVolume &)

Triggers a transparency volume.

TriggerTransparencyVolume(const Enlighten::SphereVolume &)

Triggers a transparency volume.

UpdateCubeMapDependencyList(BaseCubeMap *)

Creates the cached dependency list for the given cube map.

UpdateEmissiveEnvironment(UpdateEnvironmentInfo const &)

Update (or add) the environment with the given id.

UpdateEmissiveEnvironment(UpdateEnvironmentInfo const &)

Update (or add) the environment with the given id.

UpdateLight(UpdateLightInfo const &)

Update (or add) the light with the given id.

UpdateLight(UpdateLightInfo const &)

Update (or add) the light with the given id.

UpdateLightmapBounceBufferData(BaseSystem *)

Update the lightmap bounce buffer data.

UpdateProbeBounceBufferData(BaseSystem *)

Update the probe bounce buffer data.

UpdateProbeDependencyList(BaseProbeSet *)

Creates the cached dependency list for the given probe set.


The main radiosity update function.


The main radiosity update function.


The main radiosity update function.

UpdateSystemDependencyLists(BaseSystem *)

Creates the cached dependency list for the given system, and updates all other lists with the new system.

WriteVisibilityPointers(void **, BaseSystem *, Geo::s32)

Write ordered list of visibility data pointers for the given system and light bank Returns TRUE if any of the light inputs have changed.


protected: enum ProcessingStage

Internal enumeration for keeping track of the update loop.


virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::AddCubeMap

public: void AddCubeMap
    BaseCubeMap *const & cubeMap

Add a cube map to the worker.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::AddCubeMap

public: virtual void AddCubeMap
    BaseCubeMap *const & cubeMap

Add a cube map to the worker.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::AddCubeMap

public: virtual void AddCubeMap
    BaseCubeMap *const & cubeMap

Add a cube map to the worker.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::AddDynamicObject

public: virtual void AddDynamicObject
    BaseDynamicObject *const & dynamicObject

Add a dynamic object to the worker.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::AddDynamicObject

public: void AddDynamicObject
    BaseDynamicObject *const & dynamicObject

Add a dynamic object to the worker.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::AddProbeSet

public: void AddProbeSet
    BaseProbeSet *const & probeSet

Add a probe set to the worker.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::AddProbeSet

public: virtual void AddProbeSet
    BaseProbeSet *const & probeSet

Add a probe set to the worker.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::AddProbeSet

public: virtual void AddProbeSet
    BaseProbeSet *const & probeSet

Add a probe set to the worker.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::AddSystem

public: virtual void AddSystem
    BaseSystem *const & system

Add a system to the worker, and allocate any required auxiliary resources.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::AddSystem

public: virtual void AddSystem
    BaseSystem *const & system

Add a system to the worker, and allocate any required auxiliary resources.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::AddSystem

public: void AddSystem
    BaseSystem *const & system

Add a system to the worker, and allocate any required auxiliary resources.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::AllocateVisibilityData

protected: virtual void AllocateVisibilityData
    Geo::s32 lightIndex,
    Enlighten::eLightType lightType

Allocates/Frees memory for visibility data.


public: BaseWorker
    SolveType solveType,
    eOutputFormat irradianceOutputFormat,
    eOutputFormat cubemapOutputFormat,
    eOutputFormatByteOrder byteOrder,
    PrecisionHint::Value inputLightingPrecisionHint,
    bool useEntireProbeSetSolver,
    bool useProbeSetLod,
    EnlightenProfile * profile

Base class constructor.

Irradiance output format and optional stats profile are common to all worker implementations.

virtual void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::Clear

public: virtual void Clear()

Remove all objects from the worker, and free memory allocated by the worker.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::Clear

public: virtual void Clear()

Remove all objects from the worker, and free memory allocated by the worker.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::ClearCubeMapVolumeTransparency

public: void ClearCubeMapVolumeTransparency
    Geo::GeoGuid const & cubeMapId

Clears the cube map volume transparency.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::ClearCubeMapVolumeTransparency

public: virtual void ClearCubeMapVolumeTransparency
    Geo::GeoGuid const & cubeMapId

Clears the cube map volume transparency.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::ClearSystemVolumeTransparency

public: void ClearSystemVolumeTransparency
    Geo::GeoGuid const & systemId

Clears the system volume transparency.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::ClearSystemVolumeTransparency

public: virtual void ClearSystemVolumeTransparency
    Geo::GeoGuid const & systemId

Clears the system volume transparency.

void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::ComputeDirectionalVisibility

protected: void ComputeDirectionalVisibility
    CpuSystem * system

Compute directional light visibility for the given system.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::CopyAlbedoBuffer

public: virtual void CopyAlbedoBuffer
    CopyAlbedoBufferInfo const & copyInfo

Allocate and make a copy of an albedo buffer.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::CopyAlbedoBuffer

public: void CopyAlbedoBuffer
    CopyAlbedoBufferInfo const & copyInfo

Allocate and make a copy of an albedo buffer.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::CopyBounceBuffer

public: virtual void CopyBounceBuffer
    CopyBounceBufferInfo const & copyInfo

Allocate and make a copy of an emissive buffer.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::CopyBounceBuffer

public: void CopyBounceBuffer
    CopyBounceBufferInfo const & copyInfo

Allocate and make a copy of an emissive buffer.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::CopyEmissiveBuffer

public: void CopyEmissiveBuffer
    CopyEmissiveBufferInfo const & copyInfo

Allocate and make a copy of an emissive buffer.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::CopyEmissiveBuffer

public: virtual void CopyEmissiveBuffer
    CopyEmissiveBufferInfo const & copyInfo

Allocate and make a copy of an emissive buffer.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::CopyEmissiveEnvironment

public: void CopyEmissiveEnvironment
    CopyEmissiveEnvironmentInfo const & copyEnvironmentInfo

Allocate and make a copy of an emissive environment.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::CopyEmissiveEnvironment

public: virtual void CopyEmissiveEnvironment
    CopyEmissiveEnvironmentInfo const & copyEnvironmentInfo

Allocate and make a copy of an emissive environment.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::CopyGeometryTransparencyBuffer

public: void CopyGeometryTransparencyBuffer
    CopyTransparencyBufferInfo const & copyInfo

Allocate and make a copy of a geoemtry transparency buffer.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::CopyGeometryTransparencyBuffer

public: virtual void CopyGeometryTransparencyBuffer
    CopyTransparencyBufferInfo const & copyInfo

Copies the geometry transparency buffer.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::CopyInputLightingBuffer

public: void CopyInputLightingBuffer
    CopyInputLightingBufferInfo const & copyInputLightingBufferInfo

Allocate and make a copy of an input lighting buffer.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::CopyInputLightingBuffer

public: virtual void CopyInputLightingBuffer
    CopyInputLightingBufferInfo const & copyInputLightingBufferInfo

Allocate and make a copy of an input lighting buffer.

virtual void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::CopyLightsToSolverArray

protected: void CopyLightsToSolverArray()

Convert UpdateManagerLights to Enlighten::InputLights in preparation for Enlighten work.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::CopyMaterialTransparencyBuffer

public: void CopyMaterialTransparencyBuffer
    CopyTransparencyBufferInfo const & copyInfo

Allocate and make a copy of a material transparency buffer.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::CopyMaterialTransparencyBuffer

public: virtual void CopyMaterialTransparencyBuffer
    CopyTransparencyBufferInfo const & copyInfo

Allocate and make a copy of a material transparency buffer.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::CopyProbeOutput

public: void CopyProbeOutput
    CopyProbeOutputInfo const & copyProbeOutputInfo

Allocate and make a copy of Enlighten probe set output.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::CopyProbeOutput

public: virtual void CopyProbeOutput
    CopyProbeOutputInfo const & copyProbeOutputInfo

Allocate and make a copy of Enlighten probe set output.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::CopyRawOutput

public: virtual void CopyRawOutput
    CopyRawOutputInfo const & copyRawOutputInfo

Allocate and make a copy of raw Enlighten texture output.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::CopyRawOutput

public: void CopyRawOutput
    CopyRawOutputInfo const & copyRawOutputInfo

Allocate and make a copy of raw Enlighten texture output.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::CopyVisibilityBuffer

public: virtual void CopyVisibilityBuffer
    CopyVisibilityBufferInfo const & copyVisibilityBufferInfo

Allocate and make a copy of a visibility data block.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::CopyVisibilityBuffer

public: void CopyVisibilityBuffer
    CopyVisibilityBufferInfo const & copyVisibilityBufferInfo

Allocate and make a copy of a visibility data block.


public: CpuWorker
    SolveType solveType,
    eOutputFormat irradianceOutputFormat,
    eOutputFormat cubemapOutputFormat,
    eOutputFormatByteOrder byteOrder,
    PrecisionHint::Value inputLightingPrecisionHint,
    bool useEntireProbeSetSolver,
    bool useProbeSetLod,
    EnlightenProfile * profile,
    Command * threadCreationCommand

Constructor, taking properties which are fixed at creation time.

void Enlighten::BaseWorker::DecrementUpdateCounters

protected: void DecrementUpdateCounters()

Decrements the update counters for all systems, probe sets, cube maps and light banks.

void Enlighten::BaseWorker::DestroyAllWorkerObjects

protected: void DestroyAllWorkerObjects()

Release all the objects this worker constructed.

void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::DoBounceSolverTask

protected: void DoBounceSolverTask
    Enlighten::SolveBounceTask bounceSolverTask,
    void * threadWorkingMemory,
    Geo::u32 & numSolvedPixels,
    Geo::u32 & solveTimeUs,
    CpuSystem * system

Call the bounce solver and trigger feedback updates if required.

virtual void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::DoCubeMapSolve

protected: virtual void DoCubeMapSolve
    BaseCubeMap * cubeMap,
    WorkerThreadData * wtd

Do the solve task for a cube map using the working memory of the given thread index.

void Enlighten::BaseWorker::DoDynamicObjectInterpolation

protected: void DoDynamicObjectInterpolation
    BaseDynamicObject * object

Do the interpolation for a single dynamic object, to allow multithreading.

void Enlighten::CpuWorker::DoDynamicObjectUpdate

protected: void DoDynamicObjectUpdate()

Runs the probe interpolation tasks for all dynamic objects, non-multithreaded.

void Enlighten::CpuWorker::DoEnvironmentUpdate

protected: void DoEnvironmentUpdate()

Copies the environment values from the application-settable copy to the internal copy.

bool Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::DoNextTask

public: bool DoNextTask
    Geo::s32 threadIdx

Do the next task on the queue using the working memory of the given thread index.

virtual void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::DoSystemInputLighting

protected: void DoSystemInputLighting
    BaseSystem * system,
    WorkerThreadData * wtd

Do the input lighting task for a system using the working memory of the given thread index.

void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::DoSystemSolutionSpaceFreeze

protected: void DoSystemSolutionSpaceFreeze
    CpuSystemSolutionSpace * solutionSpace,
    Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * envBuffer,
    CpuSystem * system,
    WorkerThreadData * wtd,
    Geo::u32 & freezeTimeUs,
    bool isBounceLod

Do a freeze of the solution space data.

void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::DoSystemSolutionSpaceSolve

protected: void DoSystemSolutionSpaceSolve
    CpuSystem * system,
    CpuSystemSolutionSpace * systemSolutionSpace,
    void * threadWorkingMemory,
    const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * environment,
    float temporalCoherenceThreshold,
    bool updateAllBuckets,
    bool isBounceLod,
    Geo::u32 & numSolvedPixels,
    Geo::u32 & solveTimeUs

Do a solve of a particular system solution space for a given system and update bounce buffers.

void Enlighten::BaseWorker::EnqueueCommand

public: void EnqueueCommand
    CommandType && newCommand

Enqueues a command for later execution by the worker thread, if it is running.

If the worker thread isn't running, the command is executed immediately on the calling thread.

void Enlighten::CpuWorker::EnqueueQuitCommand

protected: void EnqueueQuitCommand()

Tell the update thread to quit.

void Enlighten::BaseWorker::EnqueueRadiosityUpdate

public: void EnqueueRadiosityUpdate()

Enqueue a radiosity update on the worker thread.

virtual void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::EnsureSolverLightBufferSize

protected: void EnsureSolverLightBufferSize()

Ensure the solver light buffer is large enough to store all the lights.

bool Enlighten::BaseWorker::ExcludesEnvironmentInPrimaryBounce

protected: virtual bool ExcludesEnvironmentInPrimaryBounce() const

Have we requested to solve the environment in secondary bounce only. (ie skip primary bounce)

virtual bool Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::ExcludesEnvironmentInPrimaryBounce

public: bool ExcludesEnvironmentInPrimaryBounce() const

Returns the value of the worker property m_ExcludeEnvrionmentInPrimaryBounce.

void Enlighten::BaseWorker::ExecuteCommands

public: void ExecuteCommands()

Executes and destroys commands in the command ring buffer until the buffer is empty.

bool Enlighten::BaseWorker::FindObject

public: bool FindObject
    const Geo::GeoGuid & id,
    BaseSystem *& systemPtr

Finds the object with the given GUID.

bool Enlighten::BaseWorker::FindObject

public: bool FindObject
    ObjectType * object,
    ObjectType *& result

Finds the object with the given address.

bool Enlighten::BaseWorker::FindObject

public: bool FindObject
    const Geo::GeoGuid & id,
    BaseProbeSet *& probeSetPtr

Finds the object with the given GUID.

bool Enlighten::BaseWorker::FindObject

public: bool FindObject
    const Geo::GeoGuid & id,
    ObjectType *& dynamicObjectPtr

Finds the object with the given GUID.

bool Enlighten::BaseWorker::FindObject

public: bool FindObject
    const Geo::GeoGuid & id,
    CpuSystem *& systemObjectPtr

Specialise the BaseWorker::FindObject to deal with a concrete type here.

bool Enlighten::BaseWorker::FindObject

public: bool FindObject
    const Geo::GeoGuid & id,
    BaseDynamicObject *& dynamicObjectPtr

Finds the object with the given GUID.

bool Enlighten::BaseWorker::FindObject

public: bool FindObject
    const Geo::GeoGuid & id,
    BaseCubeMap *& cubeMapPtr

Finds the object with the given GUID.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::FreeVisibilityData

protected: virtual void FreeVisibilityData
    Geo::s32 lightIndex,
    bool isDirectional

Allocates/Frees memory for visibility data.

PrecisionHint::Value Enlighten::BaseWorker::GetInputLightingPrecisionHint

public: PrecisionHint::Value GetInputLightingPrecisionHint()

Gets the precision hint for the input lighting buffer,.

virtual LightMethodSelector* Enlighten::BaseWorker::GetLightMethodSelector

public: virtual LightMethodSelector * GetLightMethodSelector()

Gets the light method selector.

virtual LightMethodSelector* Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::GetLightMethodSelector

public: LightMethodSelector * GetLightMethodSelector()

Gets the light method selector.

virtual Geo::u32 Enlighten::BaseWorker::GetSizeOfProbeInputWorkspaceMemory

public: virtual Geo::u32 GetSizeOfProbeInputWorkspaceMemory() const

Get the total size of probe set output workspaces.

virtual Geo::u32 Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::GetSizeOfProbeInputWorkspaceMemory

public: Geo::u32 GetSizeOfProbeInputWorkspaceMemory() const

Get the total size of probe set output workspaces.

virtual Geo::u32 Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::GetSizeOfProbeOutputWorkspaceMemory

public: Geo::u32 GetSizeOfProbeOutputWorkspaceMemory() const

Get the total size of probe set input workspaces.

virtual Geo::u32 Enlighten::BaseWorker::GetSizeOfProbeOutputWorkspaceMemory

public: virtual Geo::u32 GetSizeOfProbeOutputWorkspaceMemory() const

Get the total size of probe set input workspaces.

virtual Geo::u32 Enlighten::BaseWorker::GetSizeOfWorkingMemory

public: virtual Geo::u32 GetSizeOfWorkingMemory() const

Get the size of the working memory required for solving.

virtual Geo::u32 Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::GetSizeOfWorkingMemory

public: virtual Geo::u32 GetSizeOfWorkingMemory() const

Get the size of the working memory required for solving.

virtual Geo::u32 Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::GetSizeOfWorkingMemory

public: Geo::u32 GetSizeOfWorkingMemory() const

Get the size of the working memory required for solving.

Geo::GeoKeyValueArray<Geo::GeoGuid, BaseSystem>& Enlighten::BaseWorker::GetSystemArray

public: Geo::GeoKeyValueArray< Geo::GeoGuid, BaseSystem > & GetSystemArray()

Returns the array of systems. Used by the GeoMaya plug in to work out when to trigger refreshes.

void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::InitThreadGroup

public: void InitThreadGroup()

One-time thread group initialisation.

virtual bool Enlighten::BaseWorker::IsCommandThreadSafe

protected: bool IsCommandThreadSafe() const

Returns true if called on the worker thread, or if no worker thread is running.

Only used to assert thread safety in debug builds.

virtual bool Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::IsCommandThreadSafe

protected: virtual bool IsCommandThreadSafe() const

Returns true if called on the worker thread, or if no worker thread is running.

Only used to assert thread safety in debug builds.

bool Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::IsEnvOnlyUpdateRequired

protected: bool IsEnvOnlyUpdateRequired
    CpuSystemSolutionSpace * systemSolutionSpace,
    bool doFullSolve,
    const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * environment
) const

Returns true if the EnvOnly feature is enabled and an update is required.

virtual bool Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::IsUpdateLimited

public: bool IsUpdateLimited() const

Are we at the limit of the number of allowed enqueued updates, and therefore the update rate is throttled?

virtual bool Enlighten::BaseWorker::IsUpdateLimited

public: virtual bool IsUpdateLimited() const

Are we at the limit of the number of allowed enqueued updates, and therefore the update rate is throttled?

virtual bool Enlighten::CpuWorker::IsWorkerThreadRunning

public: virtual bool IsWorkerThreadRunning()

Whether the worker thread is currently running.

virtual bool Enlighten::BaseWorker::IsWorkerThreadRunning

public: bool IsWorkerThreadRunning()

Returns true if a separate worker thread is currently running, false if not.

void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::LogProfiling

protected: void LogProfiling
    const ObjectType * object,
    F f

Log stats with the profiler using an enclosure.


public: MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon
    SolveType solveType,
    eOutputFormat irradianceOutputFormat,
    eOutputFormat cubemapOutputFormat,
    eOutputFormatByteOrder byteOrder,
    PrecisionHint::Value inputLightingPrecisionHint,
    bool useEntireProbeSetSolver,
    bool useProbeSetLod,
    EnlightenProfile * profile,
    Command * threadCreationCommand,
    IThreadGroup * threadGroup,
    ILimiter * limiter,
    Geo::u64 workerThreadAffinity


virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::ProbeSetManagerSetMaxWeightForProbeSet

public: void ProbeSetManagerSetMaxWeightForProbeSet
    Geo::GeoGuid const & probeSetGuid,
    float maxWeight

Set max interpolation weight for a given probe set.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::ProbeSetManagerSetMaxWeightForProbeSet

public: virtual void ProbeSetManagerSetMaxWeightForProbeSet
    Geo::GeoGuid const & probeSetGuid,
    float maxWeight

Set max interpolation weight for a given probe set.

void Enlighten::BaseWorker::PushMultipleObjectsToDestroy

protected: void PushMultipleObjectsToDestroy
    Geo::IGeoReleasable *const * objects,
    Geo::s32 count

Push a list of objects which has been removed from the worker on to a list to be destroyed by the rendering thread.

This is required since the objects may contain graphics resources which can only be destroyed by the rendering thread.

void Enlighten::BaseWorker::PushObjectToDestroy

protected: void PushObjectToDestroy
    Geo::IGeoReleasable * object

Push an object which has been removed from the worker on to a list to be destroyed by the rendering thread.

This is required since the object may contain graphics resources which can only be destroyed by the rendering thread.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::ReadInputLightingBuffer

public: virtual void ReadInputLightingBuffer
    ReadInputLightingBufferInfo const & parameters

These functions are provided for debugging/visualisation purposes.

Read back the contents of an input lighting buffer.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::ReadInputLightingBuffer

public: void ReadInputLightingBuffer
    ReadInputLightingBufferInfo const & parameters

These functions are provided for debugging/visualisation purposes.

Read back the contents of an input lighting buffer.

void Enlighten::BaseWorker::RecreateInterpolationInputList

protected: void RecreateInterpolationInputList()

Updates the probe interpolation inputs, if required.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::ReleaseSystemSolutionSpaces

public: void ReleaseSystemSolutionSpaces
    ReleaseSystemSolutionSpacesInfo const & releaseInfo

Release the solution spaces.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::ReleaseSystemSolutionSpaces

public: virtual void ReleaseSystemSolutionSpaces
    ReleaseSystemSolutionSpacesInfo const & releaseInfo

Release system solution spaces.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::RemoveAllLights

public: void RemoveAllLights()

Remove all lights.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::RemoveAllLights

public: virtual void RemoveAllLights()

Remove all lights.

virtual void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::RemoveCubeMap

public: virtual void RemoveCubeMap
    RemoveInfo const & removeInfo

Remove a cube map from the worker (either completely or partially)

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::RemoveCubeMap

public: void RemoveCubeMap
    RemoveInfo const & removeInfo

Remove a cube map from the worker (either completely or partially)

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::RemoveCubeMap

public: virtual void RemoveCubeMap
    RemoveInfo const & removeInfo

Remove a cube map from the worker (either completely or partially)

void Enlighten::BaseWorker::RemoveDirectionalLight

protected: void RemoveDirectionalLight
    Geo::GeoGuid lightId

Removes a light with the given GUID from the list of directional lights (if one is found), and frees the associated memory.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::RemoveDynamicObject

public: virtual void RemoveDynamicObject
    RemoveInfo const & removeInfo

Remove a dynamic object from the worker.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::RemoveDynamicObject

public: void RemoveDynamicObject
    RemoveInfo const & removeInfo

Remove a dynamic object from the worker.

virtual void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::RemoveDynamicObject

public: virtual void RemoveDynamicObject
    RemoveInfo const & removeInfo

Remove a dynamic object from the worker.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::RemoveEmissiveEnvironment

public: virtual void RemoveEmissiveEnvironment
    Geo::GeoGuid const & environmentId

Remove the environment with the given id.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::RemoveEmissiveEnvironment

public: void RemoveEmissiveEnvironment
    Geo::GeoGuid const & environmentId

Remove the environment with the given id.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::RemoveLight

public: virtual void RemoveLight
    Geo::GeoGuid const & lightId

Remove the light with the given id.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::RemoveLight

public: void RemoveLight
    Geo::GeoGuid const & lightId

Remove the light with the given id.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::RemoveLightBank

public: virtual void RemoveLightBank
    Geo::s32 const & bankId

Remove a light bank.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::RemoveLightBank

public: void RemoveLightBank
    Geo::s32 const & bankId

Remove a light bank.

void Enlighten::BaseWorker::RemoveLightWithoutVisibility

protected: void RemoveLightWithoutVisibility
    Geo::GeoGuid lightId

Removes a light with the given GUID from the list of lights without visibility (if one is found), and frees the associated memory.

void Enlighten::BaseWorker::RemoveLightWithVisibility

protected: void RemoveLightWithVisibility
    Geo::GeoGuid lightId

Removes a light with the given GUID from the list of lights with visibility (if one is found), and frees the associated memory.

virtual void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::RemoveProbeSet

public: virtual void RemoveProbeSet
    RemoveInfo const & removeInfo

Remove a probe set from the worker (either completely or partially)

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::RemoveProbeSet

public: void RemoveProbeSet
    RemoveInfo const & removeInfo

Remove a probe set from the worker (either completely or partially)

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::RemoveProbeSet

public: virtual void RemoveProbeSet
    RemoveInfo const & removeInfo

Remove a probe set from the worker (either completely or partially)

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::RemoveSystem

public: virtual void RemoveSystem
    RemoveInfo const & removeInfo

Remove a system from the worker (either completely or partially)

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::RemoveSystem

public: virtual void RemoveSystem
    RemoveInfo const & removeInfo

Remove a system from the worker (either completely or partially)

virtual void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::RemoveSystem

public: virtual void RemoveSystem
    RemoveInfo const & removeInfo

Remove a system from the worker (either completely or partially)

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::RemoveSystem

public: void RemoveSystem
    RemoveInfo const & removeInfo

Remove a system from the worker (either completely or partially)

void Enlighten::CpuWorker::RemoveSystemFromDependencyLists

protected: void RemoveSystemFromDependencyLists
    BaseSystem * system

Removes the given system from all cached dependency lists.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::RemoveSystemSolutionSpaces

public: virtual void RemoveSystemSolutionSpaces
    Geo::GeoGuid const & systemId

Removes the solution spaces from the system. This function will not release the solution spaces.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::RemoveSystemSolutionSpaces

public: void RemoveSystemSolutionSpaces
    Geo::GeoGuid const & systemId

Removes the solution spaces from the system. This function will not release the solution spaces.

void Enlighten::BaseWorker::ReRegisterObjectsWithProfiler

public: void ReRegisterObjectsWithProfiler()

Re-register all objects with the profiler.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::RunWorkerThread

public: void RunWorkerThread()

Start the worker thread if it is not already running.

virtual void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::RunWorkerThread

public: virtual void RunWorkerThread()

Start the worker thread if it is not already running.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::SetAllUpdateCounters

public: void SetAllUpdateCounters
    Geo::s32 const & count

Set all system and probe update counters to count.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::SetAllUpdateCounters

public: virtual void SetAllUpdateCounters
    Geo::s32 const & count

Set all system and probe update counters to count.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::SetDoFullSolveNextFrame

public: void SetDoFullSolveNextFrame()

Disable temporal coherence so a full solve is performed next frame.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::SetDoFullSolveNextFrame

public: virtual void SetDoFullSolveNextFrame()

Disable temporal coherence so a full solve is performed next frame.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::SetDoIndirectInputLightingNextFrame

public: void SetDoIndirectInputLightingNextFrame
    Geo::GeoGuid const & systemId

Sets a flag to run indirect input lighting on the next frame.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::SetDoIndirectInputLightingNextFrame

public: virtual void SetDoIndirectInputLightingNextFrame
    Geo::GeoGuid const & systemId

Sets a flag to run indirect input lighting on the next frame.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::SetLightBankUpdateCounter

public: void SetLightBankUpdateCounter
    SetLightBankUpdateCounterInfo const & updateCounterInfo

Set a light bank update counter.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::SetLightBankUpdateCounter

public: virtual void SetLightBankUpdateCounter
    SetLightBankUpdateCounterInfo const & updateCounterInfo

Set a light bank update counter.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::SetProbeSetManager

public: virtual void SetProbeSetManager
    IProbeSetManager *const & probeSetManager

Set a probe set manager.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::SetProbeSetManager

public: void SetProbeSetManager
    IProbeSetManager *const & probeSetManager

Set a probe set manager.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::SetProbeSetTransform

public: virtual void SetProbeSetTransform
    SetProbeSetTransformInfo const & probeSetTransformInfo

Set a probe set world-to-local-space transform.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::SetProbeSetTransform

public: void SetProbeSetTransform
    SetProbeSetTransformInfo const & probeSetTransformInfo

Set a probe set world-to-local-space transform.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::SetSystemSolutionSpaces

public: void SetSystemSolutionSpaces
    ISystemSolutionSpace *const * solutionSpaces,
    const Geo::s32 solutionSpacesCount,
    const Geo::s32 indexForBounceResampling

Set the solution spaces used by a system.

Note that a system with a matching guid needs to already be added to the worker. This will only set the solution spaces if they all belong to the same system.


Raw array of ISystemSolutionSpace pointers


Number of elements in the solutionSpaces array.


The index for the solution space to use for bounce resampling. Should be the index of the solution space with the smallest output pixel size.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::SetSystemSolutionSpaces

public: virtual void SetSystemSolutionSpaces
    ISystemSolutionSpace *const * solutionSpaces,
    const Geo::s32 solutionSpacesCount,
    const Geo::s32 indexForBounceResampling

Set the solution spaces used by a system.

Note that a system with a matching guid needs to already be added to the worker. This will only set the solution spaces if they all belong to the same system.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::SetTransparencySamplePositionOffset

public: void SetTransparencySamplePositionOffset
    SetTransparencySamplePositionOffsetInfo const & offsetInfo

Sets the transparency sample position offset.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::SetTransparencySamplePositionOffset

public: virtual void SetTransparencySamplePositionOffset
    SetTransparencySamplePositionOffsetInfo const & offsetInfo

Sets the transparency sample position offset.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::SetVisibilityBits

public: void SetVisibilityBits
    SetVisibilityBitsInfo const & visibilityBitsInfo

Sets the visibility block for a (system, light) pair.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::SetVisibilityBits

public: virtual void SetVisibilityBits
    SetVisibilityBitsInfo const & visibilityBitsInfo

Sets the visibility block for a (system, light) pair.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::SetWorkerProperties

public: void SetWorkerProperties
    UpdateManagerWorkerProperties const & properties

Set the worker global state.

void Enlighten::BaseWorker::SetWorkerProperties

public: virtual void SetWorkerProperties
    const UpdateManagerWorkerProperties & properties

Set the worker global state.

virtual void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::SetWorkerProperties

public: virtual void SetWorkerProperties
    const UpdateManagerWorkerProperties & properties

Set the worker global state.

void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::ShutdownThreadGroup

public: void ShutdownThreadGroup()

One-time therad group shut down.

virtual void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::StopWorkerThread

public: virtual void StopWorkerThread()

Signal the worker thread to stop and wait until it quits.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::StopWorkerThread

public: void StopWorkerThread()

Signal the worker thread to stop and wait until it quits.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::TriggerTransparencyVolume

public: virtual void TriggerTransparencyVolume
    const Enlighten::BoxVolume & volume

Triggers a transparency volume.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::TriggerTransparencyVolume

public: virtual void TriggerTransparencyVolume
    const Enlighten::SphereVolume & volume

Triggers a transparency volume.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::TriggerTransparencyVolume

public: void TriggerTransparencyVolume
    const Enlighten::BoxVolume & volume

Triggers a transparency volume.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::TriggerTransparencyVolume

public: void TriggerTransparencyVolume
    const Enlighten::SphereVolume & volume

Triggers a transparency volume.

void Enlighten::CpuWorker::UpdateCubeMapDependencyList

protected: void UpdateCubeMapDependencyList
    BaseCubeMap * cubeMap

Creates the cached dependency list for the given cube map.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuWorker::UpdateEmissiveEnvironment

public: virtual void UpdateEmissiveEnvironment
    UpdateEnvironmentInfo const & updateEnvironmentInfo

Update (or add) the environment with the given id.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::UpdateEmissiveEnvironment

public: void UpdateEmissiveEnvironment
    UpdateEnvironmentInfo const & updateEnvironmentInfo

Update (or add) the environment with the given id.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::UpdateLight

public: void UpdateLight
    UpdateLightInfo const & updateLightInfo

Update (or add) the light with the given id.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseWorker::UpdateLight

public: virtual void UpdateLight
    UpdateLightInfo const & updateLightInfo

Update (or add) the light with the given id.

virtual void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::UpdateLightmapBounceBufferData

protected: virtual void UpdateLightmapBounceBufferData
    BaseSystem * system

Update the lightmap bounce buffer data.

virtual void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::UpdateProbeBounceBufferData

protected: virtual void UpdateProbeBounceBufferData
    BaseSystem * system

Update the probe bounce buffer data.

void Enlighten::CpuWorker::UpdateProbeDependencyList

protected: void UpdateProbeDependencyList
    BaseProbeSet * probeSet

Creates the cached dependency list for the given probe set.

virtual void Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker::UpdateRadiosity

public: void UpdateRadiosity()

The main radiosity update function.

virtual void Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon::UpdateRadiosity

public: virtual void UpdateRadiosity()

The main radiosity update function.

GEO_POP_IGNORE_DEPRECATION_WARNING void Enlighten::BaseWorker::UpdateRadiosity

public: virtual void UpdateRadiosity()

The main radiosity update function.

void Enlighten::CpuWorker::UpdateSystemDependencyLists

protected: void UpdateSystemDependencyLists
    BaseSystem * newSystem

Creates the cached dependency list for the given system, and updates all other lists with the new system.

bool Enlighten::BaseWorker::WriteVisibilityPointers

protected: bool WriteVisibilityPointers
    void ** writeAt,
    BaseSystem * system,
    Geo::s32 lightBank

Write ordered list of visibility data pointers for the given system and light bank Returns TRUE if any of the light inputs have changed.

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