Name | Description |
Enlighten::LinearColor | A 4-element colour stored in linear color space. |
Enlighten::PipelineCubemap | A cubemap object, corresponding to a <cubeMap> element in the .scene file. |
Enlighten::PipelineExcludedInstance | An instance object, corresponding to an <instance> element in the .scene file. |
Enlighten::PipelineGeom | A geometry object, corresponding to a single .geom file. |
Enlighten::PipelineGeometryProperties | The properties of a .geom that are relevant to the precompute. |
Enlighten::PipelineGlobalParameters | The parameters that affect the precompute for all instances in the scene. |
Enlighten::PipelineInstanceParameters | Recommended default values for parameters that affect the precompute for a subset of instances in the scene. |
Enlighten::PipelineLineWriter | Lazy file writer that only actually updates the file on disk if the contents have changed. |
Enlighten::PipelineMaterial | The properties of an Enlighten material that are relevant to radiosity. |
Enlighten::PipelineMesh | A mesh object, corresponding to a single <mesh> element within the .geom file. |
Enlighten::PipelinePaths | The paths to the exported scene data. |
Enlighten::PipelineProbeRegion | A probe region object, corresponding to a <probeRegion> element in the .scene file. |
Enlighten::PipelineProbeVolume | A probe volume object, corresponding to a <probeVolume> element in the .scene file. |
Enlighten::PipelineRadiosityInstance | An instance object, corresponding to an <instance> element in the .scene file. |
Enlighten::PipelineRadiosityInstance::MaterialOverride | Not documented. |
Enlighten::PipelineRadiosityProperties | The properties of an instance that are relevant to the precompute. |
Enlighten::PipelineScene | |
Enlighten::PipelineTransform | The transform used by each instance object. |
Enlighten::PipelineWorldAxes | The permutation of the "axes" attribute of the <scene> element of the .scene file Use this to enable the Enlighten debugging tools to display your scene correctly. |
Enlighten::PrecomputeError | Indicates an error during the export-precompute-import process. |
Enlighten::PrecomputeParameters | The arguments to the HLBS precompute process. |
Enlighten::PrecomputePipeline | Exports the scene and runs the precompute process. |
Enlighten::PrecomputeProcess | Class for handling a long running external process. |
Enlighten::XmlWriter | Exports pretty-printed XML to a file. |
Name | Description |
Geo::GeoUniquePtr< Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer, Geo::GeoAlignedFreeDestructor > AlbedoBufferPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueDelegatePtr< ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData, DeleteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData > CAWMaterialDataPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniquePtr< Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace, Geo::GeoAlignedFreeDestructor > DynamicMaterialWorkspacePtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniquePtr< Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer, Geo::GeoAlignedFreeDestructor > EmissiveBufferPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr< IPrecompGeneratedSystems > GeneratedSystemsPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr< IPrecompInputProbeRegion > InputProbeRegionPtr | A unique pointer to an IPrecompInputProbeRegion object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueDelegatePtr< InputWorkspace, DeleteInputWorkspace > InputWorkspacePtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr< IPrecompOutputProbeOctree > OutputProbeOctreePtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr< IPrecompPackedGeometry > PackedGeometryPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr< IPrecompPackedSystem > PackedSystemPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueDelegatePtr< PrecomputedVisibilityData, DeletePrecomputedVisibilityData > PrecompVisDataPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueDelegatePtr< RadCubeMapCore, DeleteRadCubeMapCore > RadCubeMapCorePtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueDelegatePtr< RadProbeSetCore, DeleteRadProbeSetCore > RadProbeSetCorePtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueDelegatePtr< RadSystemCore, DeleteRadSystemCore > RadSystemCorePtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr< Geo::GeoRGBXTexture > RGBXTexturePtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr< IPrecompSystemDuster > SystemDusterPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Name | Description |
BuildTarget | The way an instance receives Enlighten lighting output. |
PipelineEnvironmentResolution | The allowed values for Environment resolution. |
PipelineFormFactorBudget | The recommended values for Irradiance Budget. |
PipelineRadiosityGroupType | Whether the instance group can be automatically split by the precompute. |
PipelineRadiosityLightingType | The way an instance receives Enlighten lighting output. |
PipelineRadiosityShadowType | Whether an instance casts an indirect shadow. |
PipelineWorldAxis | The world space axis in which a given axis points. |
PrecomputeDistribute | The way the precompute process should be distributed. |
PrecomputeResult | The way the precompute process should be distributed. |
Name | Description |
const Geo::s32 AUTOUV_MAXNUMSIMPS = 250 | The recommended value of simpNumMaxSimps. |
const Geo::s32 AUTOUV_NUMITERATIONSPERSIMP = 500 | The recommended value of simpNumIterationsPerSimp. |
const LinearColor MATERIALCOLOR_DEFAULT = LinearColor(0, 0, 0, 1) | The material albedo/emissive color that GeoRadiosity uses if no color is specified. |
public: enum BuildTarget{}
The way an instance receives Enlighten lighting output.
public: enum PipelineEnvironmentResolution{}
The allowed values for Environment resolution.
public: enum PipelineFormFactorBudget{}
The recommended values for Irradiance Budget.
public: enum PipelineRadiosityGroupType{}
Whether the instance group can be automatically split by the precompute.
public: enum PipelineRadiosityLightingType{}
The way an instance receives Enlighten lighting output.
public: enum PipelineRadiosityShadowType{}
Whether an instance casts an indirect shadow.
public: enum PipelineWorldAxis{}
The world space axis in which a given axis points.
public: enum PrecomputeDistribute{}
The way the precompute process should be distributed.
public: enum PrecomputeResult{}
The way the precompute process should be distributed.