This is the documentation for Enlighten.
.geom format
The XML schema for theĀ .geom
Ā file format is available inĀ Src/Samples/Libraries/GeoEn2Support/geom.xsd
Your geometry parameters must be enclosed in aĀ <geom>
Ā element, with the following attributes:
Attribute | Usage | Description | Values |
| Optional | Deprecated. | Integer |
| Required | The name of this piece of geometry. This should be unique within the entire scene. | String |
| Required | The version of the geometry format. | Integer |
| Optional | A GUID for this geometry. If not specified an unique value will be generated internally. This should be unique within the entire scene. | 128-bit hex string |
| Optional | Lightmap UVs: The length of one edge of an output pixel when the geometry is packed, in CM. | Float |
| Optional | Lightmap UVs: A fixed size for the output atlas (overriding theĀ | 2-element vector |
| Optional | Lightmap UVs: Whether to clamp projected UVs inside the target charts or allow them to overhang. | Boolean (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Automatic UV simplification: The number of iterations to attempt to find each simplification. | Positive integer (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Automatic UV simplification: The maximum number of simplifications to attempt to find. | Positive integer (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Mesh projection: Whether the projection should be done using uniform sampling of the mesh surface instead of only using the mesh vertices. | Boolean (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Automatic UV simplification: Whether to interpretĀ | Boolean (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Lightmap UVs: The minimum chart size in precompute blocks. | Positive integer (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Terrain LOD: Whether this Geom is part of terrain. Terrain patches are treated specially by precompute and allow for terrain LOD generation. Is you set this to true, then you also need to specify terrainU and terrainV properties. | Boolean (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Terrain LOD: The U terrain projection direction. Has to be specified if isTerrain is set to true. Note that terrain up direction is defined as cross product of terrainU and terrainV vectors. | 3-element vector |
| Optional | Terrain LOD: The V terrain projection direction. Has to be specified if isTerrain is set to true. Note that terrain up direction is defined as cross product of terrainU and terrainV vectors. | 3-element vector |
| Optional | Lightmap LOD: The number of Levels of Detail to generate for this geometry. For more information seeĀ . | Positive integer (defaultĀ |
Each individual mesh is described using aĀ <mesh>
Ā element, with the following attributes:
Attribute | Usage | Description | Values |
| Required | A name for this mesh. This should be unique within theĀ | String |
| Optional | A GUID for this mesh. If not specified a unique value will be generated internally. This should be unique within the entire scene. | 128-bit hex string |
| Required | Either a file containing the generic mesh data or aĀ | String |
| Optional | Deprecated: Has no effect. | String |
| Required | Does the mesh affect input lighting? ( | Boolean |
| Required | Does the mesh have output UVs created? (Should always beĀ true). | Boolean |
| Required | Is the mesh a target mesh? ( | Boolean (orĀ |
| Optional | A full matrix specifying translation, rotation and scaling. This will be applied to the position of all vertices before the mesh is added to the geometry object. | 4x4 matrix |
| Optional | Lightmap UVs: Whether to rescale charts on the mesh to make UV area proportional to geometric area. | Boolean (defaultĀ |
| Optional | UV parameteriser: Whether to reparametise charts on the mesh to create more even pixel density. Has the possibility of failure in complex geometry. | Boolean (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Deprecated: Old functionality that enables/disables chart scaling and parameterisation together. | Boolean |
| Optional | Lightmap UVs: Whether to add links to join together triangle groups with "identical" vertices, where identical is defined by the set of comparison flags. | Boolean (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Lightmap UVs: Whether to consider positions when identifying identical vertices. | Boolean (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Lightmap UVs: Whether to consider normals when identifying identical vertices. | Boolean (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Lightmap UVs: Whether to consider chart UVs when identifying identical vertices. | Boolean (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Lightmap UVs: Whether to consider albedo UVs when identifying identical vertices. | Boolean (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Lightmap UVs: If the default atlassing mode does not produce good results, specify an alternative here. |
| Optional | Mesh projection: Whether to defer the projection step, making the precompute not depend on this mesh. Meshes with this attribute will be projected (and get final UVs) after the precompute is completed. | Boolean (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Baking: Whether or not the mesh should be included in baking. This allows invisible target meshes to be excluded from bakes. | Boolean (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Baking: If being used in a Baking lightmap, the name of the map. If not specified, uses the system ID. | String |
| Optional | Baking: IfĀ being used in a Baking lightmap, the type of the map. If not specified, uses the system paramset. | String |
| Optional | Deprecated: Has no effect. | Boolean (defaultĀ |
| Optional | Which UV stream to use during atlassing. Only applicable when working with generic meshes, as theĀ | Positive integer (defaultĀ |
| Optional | The LOD level of the mesh. If a mesh is not to be displayed, specifyĀ | Integer (defaultĀ |
| Optional | The distance from camera at which to swap to this LOD. Currently unused by GeoRadiosity. | Positive float (defaultĀ |
| Optional | The simplification mode to use. |
| Optional | The maximum world space separation distance within which to consider simplifying. | Positive float (defaultĀ |
| Optional | The maximum normals deviation for initial candidates for chart grouping, in degrees. | Positive float (defaultĀ |
| Optional | The maximum normals deviation for chart grouping, in degrees. | Positive float (defaultĀ |
| Optional | The expansion factor for the group bounding boxes overlap test. | Positive float (defaultĀ |
| Optional | IfĀ | Positive float (defaultĀ |
| Optional | If set to "true" smmoth bevels will be detected and treated specialy by precompute. | Boolean (defaultĀ |