Resampling bounce
This is the documentation for Enlighten.
Resampling bounce
Once the lightmap radiosity solver has run, the runtime requires that the solve output data be transformed into a format fit for feeding back into the Indirect Input Lighting stage which expects the bounce to be in the Enlighten::BounceBuffer
The probe radiosity solver outputs directly to the bounce buffer, and further resampling is not required.
Resample bounce
Lightmap bounce resampling
if (system->m_RadSystemCore) { // Create the parameters struct. ResampleBounceParameters bounceParams; // Assign the pointer to the BounceBuffer we wish to update. bounceParams.m_BounceBuffer = system->m_BounceBuffer; // Set the pointer to the systems rad core. bounceParams.m_RadSystemCore = system->m_RadSystemCore; // Set the pointer to the persistent data buffer. This is used for temporal coherence optimisations when quality is set to 0.0f. bounceParams.m_PersistentData = system->m_PresistentDataBuffer; // Create the struct for the texture sampling parameters. ResampleTextureParameters hqBounce; // Set the pointer to the beginning of the texture pixels. hqBounce.m_TextureData = system->GetOutputPointer(ENLIGHTEN_OUTPUT_IRRADIANCE); // Set the width of the texture in pixels. hqBounce.m_TextureWidth = system->m_RadSystemCore->m_MetaData.m_OutputWidth; // Set the height of the texture in pixels. hqBounce.m_TextureHeight = system->m_RadSystemCore->m_MetaData.m_OutputHeight; // Set the row pitch in bytes. hqBounce.m_TexturePitch = system->GetOutputPitchInBytes(ENLIGHTEN_OUTPUT_IRRADIANCE); // Set the byte order of the pixel format. hqBounce.m_ByteOrder = m_OutputFormatByteOrder; hqBounce.m_TextureFormat = system->m_OutputFormat; // Set the rescale factor for fixed point formats. This is the inverse of the maximum representable value. hqBounce.m_FixedPointRescale = IsFixedPointFormat(system->m_OutputFormat) ? m_GlobalState.m_FpFormatRescale : 1.0f; // Set the desired quyality of the bounce resampling. 0.0 is lowest quality (best performance). 1.0 is best quality (lowest performance). hqBounce.m_Quality = m_GlobalState.m_BounceQuality; // Set the parameters. bounceParams.m_ResampleTextureParams = &hqBounce; // Call the function to resample the bounce into the BounceBuffer. Enlighten::ResampleBounce(bounceParams, timeUs); }
2. Set Indirect input lighting parameters
Once the BounceBuffer
has been updated, it should be set as input on the IndirectInputLightingParameters
struct before calling the DoIndirectInputLighting()
Indirect input lighting parameters.
Enlighten::IndirectInputLightingParameters params; //... params.m_BounceBuffer = system->m_BounceBuffer; //...