In addition to the low level API in the Enlighten library itself, the Enlighten SDK now includes a high level run time layer built on top of the low level API.
This part of Enlighten is shipped as source code. As well as being available for integration into a game engine, it serves as example usage of the Enlighten low level API. More details are available in the High Level Runtime section of the SDK documentation.
Name | Description |
Enlighten::AsyncTaskThreadGroup | A thread group which executes Enlighten tasks by calling the AsyncTaskCallback a given number of times, and uses GeoEvent signalling to wait until all threads have completed execution. |
Enlighten::BakedProbeOutputInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a SetBakedProbeOutput() command The pointer contents will be copied; when the command has executed the original data may be released. |
Enlighten::BaseAlbedoHandler | Base Albedo Handler. |
Enlighten::BaseCubeMap | Base class used by the update manager to hold all of the resources for a cube map (regardless of where the solving happens). |
Enlighten::BaseDynamicObject | Base class which holds everything a dynamic object must have (regardless of where the solving happens). |
Enlighten::BaseEnvironment | Trivial base class used to lend a base type to environment maps. |
Enlighten::BaseProbeSet | Class used by the update manager to hold all of the resources for a probe set together. |
Enlighten::BaseSystem | Base class which holds everything a system must have (regardless of where the solving happens). |
Enlighten::BaseSystemSolutionSpace | Base implementation of ISystemSolutionSpace. |
Enlighten::BaseUpdateManager | Base implementation of the IUpdateManager interface. All update managers derive from this class. |
Enlighten::BaseWorker | Base implementation of the worker class, containing functionality common to all platforms. |
Enlighten::Command | Basic interface for commands to be executed on the worker thread. |
Enlighten::CopyAlbedoBufferInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyInputLightingBuffer() command. |
Enlighten::CopyBounceBufferInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyInputLightingBuffer() command. |
Enlighten::CopyEmissiveBufferInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyInputLightingBuffer() command. |
Enlighten::CopyEmissiveEnvironmentInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for the CopyEmissiveEnvironment() command. |
Enlighten::CopyInputLightingBufferInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyInputLightingBuffer() command. |
Enlighten::CopyProbeOutputInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyProbeOutputInfo() command. |
Enlighten::CopyRawOutputInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyRawOutput() command. |
Enlighten::CopyTransparencyBufferInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyMaterialTransparencyBuffer() or CopyGeometryTransparencyBuffer() command. |
Enlighten::CopyVisibilityBufferInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyVisibilityBuffer() command. |
Enlighten::CpuAlbedoHandler | Implementation of BaseAlbedoHandler for the CPU solver. |
Enlighten::CpuCubeMap | Derived class of BaseCubeMap used by the CPU and console update managers. |
Enlighten::CpuDynamicObject | Implementation of BaseDynamicObject for Cpu Solving. |
Enlighten::CpuEnvironment | Class used by the CPU and console update managers to represent an environment map. |
Enlighten::CpuSystem | System for the CPU solver. |
Enlighten::CpuSystemSolutionSpace | System solution space for the CPU solver. |
Enlighten::CpuUpdateManager | Base class update managers for Enlighten that perform updates on the CPU, and aren't blocking the rendering thread. |
Enlighten::CpuWorker | Implementation of the worker class, containing functionality common to all platforms which solve radiosity on a CPU or SPU. |
Enlighten::DefaultThreadGroup | Default implementation of IThreadGroup which executes tasks serially on the calling thread (the worker thread). |
Enlighten::Dx11TextureUpdater | Implementation for managing solver output and Dx11 GPU textures. |
Enlighten::Dx9TextureUpdater | Implementation for managing solver output and Dx9 GPU textures. |
Enlighten::DynamicObject | Class representing the local bounding box and corresponding output probe resolution of a dynamic object, so that it can be lit with volume textures of SH probe data. |
Enlighten::EnlightenProfile | A container for Enlighten runtime profile statistics. |
Enlighten::EnlightenTask | A task to be executed by a TaskProcessor. It consists of a task type and an object pointer. |
Enlighten::FixedTimeLimiter | Simple implementation of ILimiter which prevents new tasks from starting after a fixed time has elapsed from the start of UpdateRadiosity(). |
Enlighten::GlTextureUpdater | Implementation for managing solver output and OpenGL GPU textures. |
Enlighten::GpuTextureWrapper | Concrete implementation of IGpuTexture. |
Enlighten::IAsyncTask | Async task interface. |
Enlighten::IGpuTexture | IGpuTexture is the main interface used by the HLRT to keep track of output textures. |
Enlighten::IGpuTextureAllocator | Interface which enables Enlighten to allocate GPU textures to hold the solved output. |
Enlighten::IGpuTextureUpdater | IGpuTextureUpdater is the interface used by the HLRT to manage Enlighten solver output and associated GPU texture resources. |
Enlighten::ILimiter | Interface which can prevent Enlighten tasks from starting in the current call to UpdateRadiosity. |
Enlighten::ILogHandler | Implement this interface to receive messages from Enlighten. |
Enlighten::ISystemSolutionSpace | A solution space for a system. |
Enlighten::IThreadGroup | Interface through which MultithreadCpuWorker runs tasks on multiple threads in parallel. |
Enlighten::IUpdateManager | This class is the base interface for the singleton object which manages all of the Enlighten updates for the systems and lights in the world, according to the current update strategy, solve type and albedo type. |
Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker | Interface of the update manager worker. |
Enlighten::LightMethodSelector | Light Method Selector. |
Enlighten::MultithreadCpuUpdateManager | An update manager for Enlighten that does CPU updates. |
Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorker | Worker for the mulithreaded CPU update manager. |
Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon | Implementation of the worker class, containing functionality for platforms which run tasks on a multithreaded CPU. |
Enlighten::ProfileHistory | A simple class for recording a history of double valued stats. |
Enlighten::RawBuffer | A range of bytes. |
Enlighten::ReadInputLightingBufferInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a ReadInputLightingBufferInfo() command. |
Enlighten::RefTextureAllocator | Texture allocator for creating CPU solution spaces for Enlighten without any associated GPU resources. |
Enlighten::RefTextureUpdater | Reference texture updater. |
Enlighten::ReleaseSystemSolutionSpacesInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a ReleaseSystemSolutionSpaces() command. |
Enlighten::RemoveInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a RemoveSystem(), RemoveProbeSet(), RemoveCubeMap() or RemoveDynamicObject() command. |
Enlighten::SetLightBankUpdateCounterInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a SetLightBankUpdateCounter() command. |
Enlighten::SetParameterCommand | Command to set a parameter on an object. |
Enlighten::SetProbeSetTransformInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a SetProbeSetTransform() command. |
Enlighten::SetSystemSolutionSpacesCommand | Command to set solutions spaces for given system. |
Enlighten::SetTransparencySamplePositionOffsetInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a SetTransparencySamplePositionOffset() command. |
Enlighten::SetVisibilityBitsInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a SetVisibilityBits() command. |
Enlighten::SystemAlbedoData | Class representing the albedo data for a system (or dynamic object which contributes to radiosity). |
Enlighten::TaskProcessor | TaskProcessor runs a loop for pulling tasks off the current queue until either the whole list is done, or an ILimiter tells it to stop. |
Enlighten::TextureSubSection | Defines a sub-section of a texture, specified in texels. |
Enlighten::TriggerVolumeTransparencyGeneric | Command to trigger a transprency volume. |
Enlighten::UpdateEnvironmentInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for the UpdateEmissiveEnvironment() command. |
Enlighten::UpdateLightCommandGeneric | Command to update a light. |
Enlighten::UpdateLightInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for the UpdateLight() command. |
Enlighten::UpdateLightOptions | Optional parameters to the UpdateLight() command. |
Enlighten::UpdateManagerLight | Class which extends the Enlighten input light class with extra data used only by the high level runtime, and not by Enlighten itself. |
Enlighten::UpdateManagerProperties | This class contains the properties of an Update Manager which must be supplied on creation and can't be changed. |
Enlighten::UpdateManagerWorkerProperties | Class representing the global state of the update manager worker. |
Enlighten::WorkerFunctionCommand | Command to execute a function in the IUpdaetManagerWorker interface with no input arguments. |
Enlighten::WorkerFunctionParameterCommand | Command to execute a function in the IUpdateManagerWorker interface with one input argument. |
Enlighten::WorkerFunctionTwoParametersCommand | Command to execute a function in the IUpdateManagerWorker interface with two parameters. |
Enlighten::WorkerObjectFunctionCommand | Command to execute paramless method on an an object specified by the guid. |
Enlighten::WorkerThreadData | Helper class for holding per-thread working data. |
Enlighten::WorkspaceAllocator | A specialised circular/stack allocator hybrid for allocating solve workspace memory. |
Name | Description |
AddItem(Geo::s32, double) | Add a profile item to the history. |
ConvertToDx9Format(TextureFormat) | Helper function to convert from platform independent Enlighten::TextureFormat to Dx9 texture format. |
ConvertToDxgiFormat(TextureFormat) | Helper function to convert from platform independent Enlighten::TextureFormat to DXGI texture format. |
Copy(InputLightBase *, const UpdateManagerLight *) | Copies a light. |
Copy(UpdateManagerLight *, const InputLightBase *) | Copies a light. |
Create(const UpdateManagerProperties &) | Create a multithread CPU update manager. |
CyclesToMillisecond(Geo::s64) | Helper function to convert CPU cycles to milliseconds. |
CyclesToSeconds(Geo::s64) | Helper function to convert CPU cycles to seconds. |
EnqueueCommand(IUpdateManager *, CommandType &&) | Enqueues a command. |
EnqueueCommand(CommandType &&) | Enqueues a command. The command will be executed on the worker thread if one exists, otherwise it will be executed immediately on the calling thread. |
EnqueueCommand(CommandType &&) | Enqueues a command for later execution by the worker thread, if it is running. |
EnqueueSetObjectParameter(IUpdateManager *, Geo::GeoGuid, void(ObjectType::*)(ParamType), ArgType &&) | Enqueues a command to set a parameter on an object on the worker thread. |
EnqueueSetObjectParameter(PointerType, void(ObjectType::*)(ParamType), ArgType &&) | Enqueues a command to set an object parameter. |
EnqueueSetObjectParameter(IUpdateManager *, ObjectType *, void(ObjectType::*)(const ParamType &), ArgType &&) | Enqueues a command to set a parameter on an object on the worker thread. |
EnqueueSetObjectParameter(IUpdateManager *, Geo::GeoGuid, void(ObjectType::*)(const ParamType &), ArgType &&) | Enqueues a command to set a parameter on an object on the worker thread. |
EnqueueSetObjectParameter(IUpdateManager *, ObjectType *, void(ObjectType::*)(ParamType), ArgType &&) | Enqueues a command to set a parameter on an object on the worker thread. |
EnqueueUpdateLight(const Geo::GeoGuid &, const LightType &, UpdateLightOptions) | Add the light. |
FindObject(const Geo::GeoGuid &, CpuSystem *&) | Specialise the BaseWorker::FindObject to deal with a concrete type here. |
FindObject(const Geo::GeoGuid &, BaseDynamicObject *&) | Finds the object with the given GUID. |
FindObject(const Geo::GeoGuid &, BaseProbeSet *&) | Finds the object with the given GUID. |
FindObject(const Geo::GeoGuid &, BaseCubeMap *&) | Finds the object with the given GUID. |
FindObject(const Geo::GeoGuid &, BaseSystem *&) | Finds the object with the given GUID. |
GetDxgiFormatBytesPerPixel(DXGI_FORMAT) | Helper function to calculate the number of texture bytes per pixel for DXGI texture formats supported by Enlighten. |
GetItem(Geo::s32) | Get the last added profile item. |
GetItemAverage(Geo::s32) | Get the average of the profile items in the history. |
GetItemCount(Geo::s32) | Get the number of profile items in the history. |
GetItemMaximum(Geo::s32) | Get the max value of the profile items in the history. |
GetItemMinimum(Geo::s32) | Get the min value of the profile items in the history. |
GetOutputTextureRangeEnd(const RadSystemCore &, SolveType) | Return the end of the range of output texture types that can be updated for this combination of solve type and radiosity core. |
GetTextureBytesPerPixel(TextureFormat) | Gets the number of bytes required for each pixel of the given texture format. |
MultithreadCpuUpdateManager(const UpdateManagerProperties &, const ILogHandler *) | Protected constructor. Do not call directly, use Create instead. |
ProfileHistory(const Geo::GeoGuid &) | Construct a history from a guid. |
Reset() | Reset to empty (clear all history) |
SetWorkerProperties(const UpdateManagerWorkerProperties &) | Set the worker global state. |
UpdateRadiosity() | The main radiosity update function. |
Name | Description |
AggregateProfileItem | Items we record for totals. |
CubeMapProfileItem | Items we record against cube maps. |
EnlightenTaskType | The MultithreadCpuWorker works by putting tasks in a list, and then executing TaskProcessors on several threads in parallel. |
OutputTextureType | Enumeration of the different output textures produced by the Enlighten solvers. |
ProbeSetProfileItem | Items we record against probe sets. |
ProbeVolumeOutputTextureType | Enumeration of the different probe volume output textures. |
RemovalMode | Enumeration of the different levels of data removal for probe sets, systems and cube maps. |
SolveType | Enumeration of the different types of solve. |
SystemProfileItem | Items we record against systems. |
TextureFormat | Enumeration of output texture formats used by the high level run-time. |
Helper function to convert from platform independent Enlighten::TextureFormat to Dx9 texture format.
Anchor | ||||
Helper function to convert from platform independent Enlighten::TextureFormat to DXGI texture format.
Anchor | ||||
Helper function to calculate the number of texture bytes per pixel for DXGI texture formats supported by Enlighten.
Anchor | ||||
Set the worker global state.
Anchor | |||||
GEO_POP_IGNORE_DEPRECATION_WARNING void Enlighten::BaseWorker::UpdateRadiosity
public: virtual void UpdateRadiosity()
ILimiter is an optional interface which can be implemented by the application. A simple FixedTimeLimiter is included here which times out after a given fixed time. Note that the limiter only controls the point at which new tasks can be started, not the total time taken.
The Enlighten update loop consists of three multithreaded phases: input lighting, solve tasks, and probe interpolation. Within each phase tasks can run in parallel (for instance, a probe set can be solved at the same time as a system), but tasks from different phases cannot run together.
If no limiter is supplied, the MultithreadCpuWorker will complete one full pass through the update loop for each call to UpdateRadiosity(). However, it can remembers where in the udpate loop it previously stopped, so if a limiter tells it to stop part-way through an update it will resume from where it left off. This ensures that the Enlighten data remains in a consistent state at all times. Enumeration of Enlighten task types. These are executed by the TaskProcessors.
Enumeration of the different output textures produced by the Enlighten solvers.
ENLIGHTEN_OUTPUT_IRRADIANCE | The Irradiance Output data. |
ENLIGHTEN_OUTPUT_DIRECTIONAL | The luminance/red Directional Irradiance Output data. |
ENLIGHTEN_OUTPUT_DIRECTIONAL_G | The green Directional Irradiance Output data. |
ENLIGHTEN_OUTPUT_DIRECTIONAL_B | The blue Directional Irradiance Output data. |
ENLIGHTEN_NUM_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_TYPES | Total number of output textures per system. |