Enlighten UE5 4.01 Release Notes

This is the documentation for Enlighten.

Enlighten UE5 4.01 Release Notes

Key Features

Enlighten indirect lighting for Nanite meshes

When Nanite virtualized geometry is enabled for a mesh, use Probe or Contribute Probe lighting modes to enable Enlighten indirect lighting for the mesh. Detail and Contribute Lightmap lighting modes are not supported.

For meshes included in the radiosity computation, Enlighten uses the Nanite fallback mesh. We recommend to generate LODs for any Nanite mesh which will be used with Contribute Probe lighting mode.

Enlighten view modes are not available when Nanite rendering is enabled. To use Enlighten view modes, temporarily disable Nanite with the following console command

r.Nanite 0

Upgrade Guide

In projects ported from UE4, Unreal Engine's automatic LOD generation may not produce the same result. This can cause problems with Enlighten lighting because Enlighten uses the lowest LOD by default.

Some features of Enlighten UE4 are not available in Enlighten UE5:

  • Per mesh probe sampling is replaced by per pixel probe sampling.
  • Enlighten Texture Environment actor is replaced by Sky Light actor.
  • It is not possible to use both Enlighten and Lightmass static lighting at the same time.
  • Enlighten indirect lighting is not available for Geometry Brush actor.
  • Enlighten Dynamic Transmittance is not available.
  • Custom Enlighten Target mesh LOD is not available.
  • Enlighten indirect lighting LOD for Landscape is not available.

For Nintendo Switch projects, because Enlighten provides sky occlusion, we recommend to set r.SkylightIntensityMultiplier to 1.0.

Known Issues

Enlighten UE5 does not yet support World Partition.

Enlighten support for IOS, Android and Nintendo Switch platforms is available from UE5.1 onwards.

Mobile Forward Shading is not supported. For Nintendo Switch, we recommend to use Desktop Forward Shading. For iOS and Android, we recommend to use Mobile Deferred Shading.

The Reflection Capture Lightmap Mixing feature is not supported when using Desktop Forward Shading.

D3D12 Bank Rotation is not supported on XB1 and XSX. To work around this, set D3D12.BankRotation=0 in *Engine.ini.

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