This is the documentation for Enlighten.

Lighting tab

The Lighting tab allows you to create, manipulate, save/load and animate lighting configurations. Lighting configurations are stored separately from your scene in XML files with a .lights extension.

Example lighting configurations are supplied with the example assets for the SDK. The lighting configuration code uses the GeoEn2Support library, which is shipped as source with the SDK, if you wish to export your own lighting setups into our format.

When you first load a scene, for example MyScene, GeoRadiosity checks whether a MyScene_default.lights file exists in the root directory of the asset. If this file exists, GeoRadiosity loads it as the default light configuration. If one does not exist, GeoRadiosity creates a basic default light configuration with a single directional light.

The circular widget in the 3D view is a light position / rotation editing control. The control for a directional light is always shown at this location on screen.

Press the spacebar to toggle between the rotation and translation widgets.

Controls for point/spotlights are shown in the scene at the light source, as shown below:

Some of the options available on the Lighting tab are common to all light types. Others vary depending on the type of light selected.

Light TypeOptionDescription
AllLoad light configLoad a pre-existing *.lights file.

Save light config

Save the current lighting setup to a *.lights file.


Add spotlight

Add a spotlight.


Add pointlight

Add a pointlight.


Add directional

Add a directional light. GeoRadiosity can display only one directional light at a time.


Add arealight

Add an area light. This functionality is currently available for baking only. For details, see the Area Lights section on Static Lightmap Baking.


Add frustumlight

Add a frustum light.


Add boxspotlight

Add a box spot light.

Spotlight, pointlight, arealight,

frustumlight and boxspotlight

Duplicate selected

Duplicate the selected light.


Remove selected

Remove the selected light.


Light casts shadows

Toggle whether the selected light casts shadows.

There are some platform differences in shadowing support. See the table below for more details.


Load projection image

Load an image file to be used as a spotlight projection. Only available when a spotlight is selected.


Clear projection image

Remove a projection image from the scene.


Colour space (RGB or HSL)

Edit the colour of the selected light in RGB or HSL (Hue/Saturation/Luminance)


Light intensity

Change the intensity of the selected light.


Radiosity scale

Change the radiosity multiplier for the selected light.

Directional light

Directional spread

Adjust the apparent spread of the directional light for baked soft shadows (swept angle of radius of a circle on the infinite sphere).

Directional light

Shadow map max

Set the maximum distance plane of the cascade shadow maps. Other planes are at 10% and 35% of this.


Light inner cone

Adjust the inner cone of the selected light.


Light outer cone

Adjust the outer cone of the selected light.


Shadow near plane

Change the near plane shadow casting distance of the light.

Spotlight, pointlight

Intensity radius

The light has the given intensity at or inside this radius. Outside this radius, the light contribution attenuates with the reciprocal of squared distance down to 0 at the light cutoff distance value.

Spotlight, pointlight

Light cutoff distance

Maximum distance for the influence of the light. Beyond this distance the contribution is 0.

Spotlight, pointlight


Adjust the epsilon value to push shadows away from the surface.

Spotlight, pointlight

Soft shadow radius

Set the radius of the light for baked soft shadows.


Rectangle width

Set the width of the rectangular area light.


Rectangle height

Set the height of the rectangular area light.

Frustumlight and boxspotlight

Second inner cone

Set the inner bright angle of the light cone (in radians).

Frustumlight and boxspotlight

Second outer cone

Set the outer edge angle of the light cone (in radians).


Baked light

Tag the selected light for baking. For more information, see 2 - Static lightmap baking.


Shadow bias

Bias for depth comparison in shadow test for baking direct lighting.


Set environment

Add an environment cubemap. The cubemap has to be a DirectDraw Surface (DDS) cubemap file in A8R8G8B8, A8B8G8R8 or A16B16G16R16F format complete with all mip levels available in the DDS file. If you load a cubemap but do not see any illumination from the environment, you should double check the format is correct and that all mip levels exist.



Set the intensity of the environment radiosity lighting.


Indirect specular multiplier

Adjust the global indirect specular multiplier for the Enlighten Directional Irradiance technique.


Normal map multiplier

Set the global multiplier for normal map deviation.


Force dynamic lighting

Force all lights to be rendered dynamically, ignoring baking settings. For more information, see 2 - Static lightmap baking.


Set all baked

Tag all lights for baking. For more information, see 2 - Static lightmap baking.


Set all dynamic

Set all lights as dynamic. No lights will be baked. For more information, see 2 - Static lightmap baking.



Bake all lights that have been tagged using either the Baked Light or Set All Baked controls. For more information, see 2 - Static lightmap baking.


Show light volumes

Toggle the rendering of light volumes.


Lock transforms

Prevent the selected light from being edited.

Spotlight, pointlight, and arealight

XYZ / Rotation

Toggle a spotlight or pointlight widget from Translation edit mode to Rotation editing. Alternatively, press the space bar.


World / Local

Toggle light position widgets between world-space coordinates and local light-space coordinates.


Light interpolation time

Set the duration for the interpolation between different light configurations.

Lighting notes

GeoRadiosity has some differences in how it handles lighting, particularly shadowing across the platforms. This is separate to the functionality the Enlighten runtime provides. The differences between the platforms are summarised in the table below.

Light TypeRendered?Casts shadows in GeoRadiosity?Casts shadows in bounce lighting?Notes
Spot lightYesYesYes 
Point lightYesYesYes, except in GeoRadiosity

While possible, we do not shadow the input lighting for point lights in GeoRadiosity.

Directional lightYesYesYesDirectional light visibility for Enlighten handled by the precomputed directional visibility data.
Environment lightYesN/A - lighting handled by EnlightenYes, part of EnlightenBoth the direct and bounce lighting is handled by Enlighten. GeoRadiosity simply displays the environment as a cubemap around the scene.
Rectangular (area) lightsYesNoYes, but the visibility is approximated by a spot light and may not match the baked result exactlyThe Enlighten API accepts area lights on all platforms, but they are skipped on non-PC platforms.
Frustum lightNo - Indirect lighting onlyN/AYesExposed for the purpose of testing the indirect lighting, but no dynamic direct rendering or baking support exists.
Box spot lightNo - Indirect lighting onlyN/AYes

Exposed for the purpose of testing the indirect lighting, but no dynamic direct rendering or baking support exists.