This is the documentation for Enlighten.

Performance tab

The Performance tab allows you to inspect the live performance of Enlighten. You can display the performance graph while using the other options to control the update cost of Enlighten.

Enlighten performance reporting

Enable real time performance graph

Toggles the live display of performance stats.

For a full description of the performance stats graph, see the section on the Perf Stats tab.

To change the performance graph background to black for ease of reading, click the Perf Stats tab and select Solid Background.

Dump update perf stats...

Dumps performance stats to the PerformanceStats folder in the same folder as the executable.

Show scene report...

Generates and opens a web page in your default browser with a table of static data for the scene, including memory breakdown, lightmap sizes and coverage efficiency, and the number of geometry instances. See the 'Scene Report' section below for a description of each column.

A numerical summary of the main aggregate stats shown in the performance graph

  • Full scene update CPU
  • Full scene update GPU
  • Full light probe update
  • Full light probe interpolation
  • Full cube map update
  • FPS and frame time
Threading and optimisation

Number of threads

A slider to control the number of worker threads available to Enlighten.

Compute radiosity

Turns the computation and update of the radiosity on or off.

Update continuously

Forces a full update of all Enlighten data every rendered frame, overriding all early-out optimisations.

Use temporal coherence

Turns on the temporal coherence optimisation. This feature monitors the changes in lighting between radiosity updates and skips updating the radiosity if it can show that the change in lighting is smaller than the specified threshold. See the Radiosity tab.

Temporal coherence threshold (%)

The percentage lighting error to allow before requiring a lighting update. Only used when temporal coherence is enabled.

Limit system update time (ms)

Limit the amount of processor time all system updates are allowed to consume in milliseconds per frame.

Scene report

This report is very useful for determining the complexity and distribution of work in your scene, and the memory footprint. For example, adding together the totals for Mem D-Irradiance, Mem Input Workspace, and Mem Cluster Albedo gives you a good indication of the memory footprint of Enlighten runtime data for the most commonly used techniques. The report does not currently include temporary buffering data or GPU allocated memory, both of which are typically small in comparison.

System ID

The report provides information for each Enlighten system. This column displays the system ID.

# Instances

The number of instances in the system. For example, in the Arches asset, the interior system contains 1 girl + 1 arches = 2.

Environment Resolution

Resolution of environment map (default 2, power of 2 required). See the Environment Resolution parameter.


The width of the system's lightmap in pixels.


The height of the system's lightmap in pixels.

# Pix Total

The total number of pixels in the scene (width x height).

# Pix Used

The number of pixels with radiosity output.

Pix Coverage

Ratio of pixels with radiosity output to total pixels.

Has D-Irradiance

A flag that indicates whether or not the system is using Directional Irradiance.

Mem Irradiance

The amount of memory used if you are using Enlighten in Irradiance mode.

Mem D-Irradiance

The amount of memory used if you are using Enlighten in Directional Irradiance mode.

For more information about the lighting solvers, see Lightmap lighting models.

Mem Input Workspace

Memory used by the input workspace (lighting buffers).

For more information about the input workspace, see Input Workspaces and Lighting Buffers.

Mem Cluster Albedo

Memory used by the cluster albedo information.

Mem Texture Albedo

Memory used by the texture albedo information.

For more details about albedo data and its usage, see Albedo Handling.