This is the documentation for Enlighten.

Baking tab

The Baking tab, in conjunction with the Lighting tab, allows you to perform static lightmap baking for the loaded scene. Using the Lighting tab, you can tag the lights you wish to bake. Using the Baking tab, you can then preview individual components of the lighting output.

For full information about using the Baking tab, see Static lightmap baking.

Bake lights

Bake all lights that have been tagged for baking in the Lighting tab. If you have edited the material files on-disk since you loaded the scene, you must first re-load the scene to make sure that the baking process picks up these changes.

Ask before saving

Prompt to save the current .lights file before baking, if the lighting configuration has changed.

Distributed bake

Use IncrediBuild (if available) to distribute the baking.

Low memory bake

Serialise high memory tasks. Select this option if your PC has very limited resources, or when baking a huge scene.

When baking is complete, use the Compositing options on the Baking tab to preview and modify the baked light outputs.

Clear baked lighting

Clear all baked lighting from the scene.

This button deletes the static baked texture.

Direct scale

Render baked direct light. Use the slider to adjust the scale of direct light.

Indirect scale

Render baked indirect light. Use the slider to adjust the scale of indirect light.

AO power

Render baked ambient occlusion (AO). Use the slider to adjust the level of AO.

Show baking resolution

Renders the scene with a checkerboard texture to represent the resolution of the baked light:

When using the baking resolution visualisation, it is recommended that you disable the Interpolate Radiosity Texture option on the Radiosity tab.

Show composited probes

Renders baked direct lighting of dynamic objects using baked probes. This also affects the probe set visualiser to help visualise the lighting environment. If baking of direct lighting hasn't been enabled for a given probe set, the probes will continue to show the indirect lighting only and the direct lighting will be missing.