Visualizations and statistics

This is the documentation for Enlighten.

Visualizations and statistics

Enlighten includes a range of visualizations and statistics to help debug your Enlighten lighting and optimize Enlighten memory use.


To access the Enlighten visualizations, use the Show > Enlighten submenu.

When using Enlighten visualizations, you might find it useful to disable lighting (View mode > Unlit). This makes the visualizations easier to interpret.

The screenshots on this page are taken with Unlit mode.

You can enable multiple lighting modes, but some are mutually exclusive. If you enable a lighting mode but the visualization doesn't change, try disabling other lighting modes first with Show > Use Defaults

Lighting Mode

Colors objects based on their lighting mode.

  • Contribute lightmaps: orange
  • Contribute probes: yellow
  • Detail: blue
  • Static probe-lit meshes: green
  • Movable probe-lit meshes: red
  • Disabled: gray

Enlighten Probes are automatically generated for static probe-lit meshes, but not for movable probe-lit meshes.

Lighting Quality

Colors meshes based on their lighting quality:

  • Low: orange
  • Green: medium
  • High: blue

The colors are desaturated for parts of the level which have in-game Enlighten updates turned off.

Lightmap Charts

Shows the lightmap UVs generated by the Enlighten precompute. Each chart is a different color.

Lightmap Efficiency

Shows the lightmap efficiency of each Contribute Lightmap mesh. Green indicates that the lightmap UVs generated by the Enlighten precompute provide very efficient lighting. Yellow, orange and red indicate less efficient lighting, with red as least efficient.

Probe Samples

Shows the positions of the probe samples for actors using per-mesh sampling. The samples are visible only when Enlighten is updating the lighting; for example when the actor is moving, or the lighting is changing.


Shows the Enlighten probes generated by the precompute.

Radiosity Back-faces

Shows only the meshes included in the Enlighten radiosity computation. Colors opaque faces green and invalid back-faces orange.

Use this visualization to find unintended visible back-faces. See Material properties for more information about invalid back-faces.

Radiosity Dependencies

Shows the radiosity system of the selected mesh in green. Its dependencies are shown in blue. Other systems are gray.

Radiosity Geometry

Shows only the meshes included in the Enlighten radiosity computation.

Radiosity Systems

Shows each radiosity system generated by the Enlighten precompute in a different color.

Sample Locations

Shows the sample positions generated by the Enlighten precompute in red. Enlighten samples surface albedo/emissive and direct lighting/shadows at these positions.

Sampled Albedo

Shows the Albedo color used when computing Enlighten indirect lighting at multiple sample positions on the surface of the contributing meshes. Use with Unlit view to see accurate colors.

Sampled Direct Lighting

Shows the direct lighting values used when computing Enlighten indirect lighting at multiple sample positions on the surface of the contributing meshes. Use with the Unlit view mode to see accurate colors.

Sampled Direct Shadows

Shows the Enlighten shadowing of the current selected or most recently selected light at multiple sample positions on the surface of the contributing meshes. You can enable shadowing for Movable SpotLight actors with the Cast Dynamic Enlighten Shadows property. To see correct shadowing for Stationary Spot Light and Point Light actors, run Build > Build Lighting Only.

Static Mesh Editor Charts

To visualize the charts generated by Enlighten for a mesh, in the Static Mesh Editor, use the Charts toolbar button. This is useful when iterating on Auto UV settings for a mesh or changing the Output Pixel Size.

To refresh the view:

  1. Open Window > Update Enlighten UVs
  2. Click Apply Changes.

If the mesh requires too many lightmap pixels, the Output Log reports an error.

Enlighten Editor Statistics

To view statistics about the Enlighten data for your level in the editor:

  1. Select Window > Statistics.
  2. In the dropdown menu, select Enlighten Stats.

By default, all systems in the level are shown in the level. Use the dropdown menu on the right to filter the list of systems to those within the current level, or those which contain the currently selected actors.

Enlighten runtime stats

These stats are inaccurate when used in editor mode. For accurate statistics, run the Standalone or cooked game build.

To view statistics for the Enlighten runtime, use the following console command :

stat enlighten -sortby=Name

stat enlightenmem -sortby=Name

stat enlightencomplexity -sortby=Name

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