Install and build

This is the documentation for Enlighten.

Install and build

Enlighten UE4 3.12 is based on Unreal Engine 4.25.0 and UE4.26.0.

Enlighten UE4 is distributed as a collection of .zip files containing modifications to the base UE4 version. The distribution .zip files are named as follows:

EnlightenUE4-[Version]-[UE4 Version]-[Type].zip

Version is the version of Enlighten. This comprises:

  • the Enlighten version number
  • R denotes the initial release; Pn denotes patch n
  • the internal build number

UE4 Version is the version of UE4 this package is compatible with

Type may be:

  • Base — Required. This zip contains the modified engine files and the Enlighten libraries and tools.
  • Samples — This zip contains maps and assets demonstrating Enlighten, contained in EnlightenSamples.uproject.
  • Platform specific files — Extra files required to run on console platforms. These are provided only to registered platform developers.

For example EnlightenUE4-3.12.R.12345-UE4.26.0-Base.zip contains the Base files for the initial release of Enlighten UE4 version 3.12 compatible with UE4 version 4.26.0.

Enlighten license

The Enlighten Precompute requires a valid Enlighten license. Please place the license file in Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Enlighten.

Each licence file is valid for a limited period.  For licensing support, contact Enlighten Support.

Build Enlighten UE4

To build the Enlighten UE4 editor:

  1. Install an unmodified copy of a supported version of UE4. This must be the major release, not a hotfix.
  2. Download the Enlighten packages compatible with your UE4 version.
  3. Extract the Enlighten packages on top of your unmodified copy of UE4, overwriting files where necessary.
  4. Delete the Engine/Intermediate folder, if it exists.
  5. Run GenerateProjectFiles.bat.
  6. Rebuild at least the following projects:
    1. UnrealFrontend Development Win64
    2. UnrealLightmass Development Win64
    3. ShaderCompileWorker Development Win64
    4. UE4 Development Editor Win64

To evaluate Enlighten with a hotfix release of UE4 you can perform a three way merge between:

  • Left: your UE4 source tree with the hotfix
  • Right: the base UE4 + Enlighten source tree.
  • Common Ancestor: the unmodified copy of UE4.

Supported Visual Studio versions

Visual Studio 2017 - MSVC 14.16

Visual Studio 2019 - MSVC 14.28

Supported console SDKs

UE4.257.008July 2018 QFE138.3.0
UE4.268.008July 2018 QFE1310.4.0

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